Chapter IV

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"Hey! Wake up!" I shouted. Banging on the Porta-Potty door beside my tent. It was almost midday and my fellow campers stared at me as if I'd gone insane.

Well, truth be told, I sort of did look crazy. Banging and shouting at a toilet that clearly looked like it could barely fit one person, much less a person who possibly is asleep inside. I wanted to introduce my "friend" X to the campers, make him share his story, and discuss on how to save the Earth and shit, but I couldn't do that if my "friend" was still knocked out cold.

"X you lazy son of bitch! Wake the hell up!" I shouted. I waited for some kinda sign that he was awake.

He didn't reply.

I stepped back and thrust my hand outwards to the handle of the door. I concentrated as it started heating up, then it finally melted away. I kicked open the door and walked in. The door suddenly slammed shut and I was in complete darkness, stuck next to a toilet.

Then the lights lit up to reveal that I was actually standing in the entrance to a circular chamber. The light came from torches that were set ablaze and were placed evenly around the chamber. In the centre was a spiral staircase leading down to God-knows-where. At that point in time, there was nothing else on my mind except for one sentence:

"How the fuck did this get here?" I said to myself.

I walk over to the centre of the chamber and descend the flight of stairs. It took awhile but I finally reached the bottom. And when I do, I found myself in a small waiting area lit by the same torches, staring in awe as I look upon huge golden doors carved with beautiful images next to a row of chairs.

I walk towards them as they open automatically, and I shit my pants. The doors were connected to a wooden bridge that ran over a vast amount of ocean to an island with a lone mansion surrounded by beach, trees, and a lot of other natural stuff. The mansion stood several feet tall, it's golden features glinting in the distant... Sun? He actually made himself a Sun. That son of a gun.

I approach the mansion and X materializes in front of the entrance.

"Max! So good of you to stop by!" He says cheerily. He wore a colorful Hawaiian T shirt with red shorts and Ray Ban sunglasses. He held a coconut on one hand with a straw sticking out of it and he held a TV remote in the other.

"How in the world did you find time to... Uh.. Build all this?" I ask him. Still looking around in amazement.

"Oh it didn't take long. Just a few finger flicks, some tweaks here and there and Vóila! The underground beneath your tent is now a beautiful Haven and my place to crash!" He said.

He gestures for me to step inside, but then I remember why I came down here and I refuse.

"First things first. Let's introduce you to the camp and probably give them hope that things will get better soon." I said.

"Ah, yes of course. Shall we, then?" We walk towards the bridge, into the waiting room and up the staircase. We exit the Porta-Potty and X stops.

"Hold on, I think I'll save this for later." He says. He opens the Door and I find that the insides have now changed. The inside was now a proper toilet. He places his coconut near the sink and closes the door.

"Right, now that we're done with that, let's go meet your friends!" He says with that insane smile. At that point I knew, this was gonna go horribly wrong.


There were people gathered around the huge campfire pit in the centre of our camp. Our settlement was basically just a big number of tents, with very few buildings surrounding a huge campfire. The few buildings that we had were put together by our telekinetic and earth users. Of course, with the help of our friend, Doc. He's the founder of the camp and also our next-door scientist/engineer/strategist. He looked about 40+ but he also looked very fit for his age. His abilities included an intellect far more advanced than most human beings and he had the most deadliest accuracy with a gun or anything he could throw. Oh and he could master anyway style of melee combat. Sword fighting, martial arts, judo or whatever. But he's only used that part of his abilities once or twice.

"S'cuse me," I shouted. "Hey. Guys? HEY!" I thrust out my arms and the campfire exploded upwards, like a giant, orange torrent rising.

Most of the people noticed, and turned their attention towards the both of us. But some were still doing about there own business so X did something to the flames I was controlling to make it a little more noticeable.

He brought up his left hand and faced it in the direction of the flames. Instantly, the fire turned multi-colored and started to take shape. It grew more until it finally took the form of a Phoenix.

"Wooo hoo! Go boy, go!" He shouted, as he controls the fiery Phoenix. I realized I've lost control of the fire since he made that thing so I let my hands down and watch as he made it fly over the camp. They stare up in awe and as it descends back into the pit, everyone slowly looks back at us.

"Well, now we have their attention!" X exclaims.


Hey guys.
Sorry for that looooong ass wait.
And that short ass chapter. ._.
I had writer's block and yeah. Exams coming up. (like I study for it lol)
So yeah, I will promise to continue and make the next chapter longer.



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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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