Ruby Martinez X Reader

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⚠️ Smut ⚠️
Your pov:
I woke up to warm breath in between my legs and I can feel his plump lips against me. He made me want him so bad. He grabbed my panties with his teeth and slowly pulled them down. Then he crawled to my clit and started sucking on it a little bit through the cloth.
"Princesa, I'm going to make you feel so good" He said and looked up at me from between my legs and smirked. He gripped onto my hips and flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees. I knew what to do from here so I arched my back and I heard him groan he ran his hands up and down my body. He grabbed my hair and pulled up, it hurt a lot but it also felt good. He enjoyed tearing away at my innocents and making me his.

"Who's your daddy baby girl" he seductively whispers in my ear. "You are" I whimper and push my ass into his waist. "Your damn right" as he grabbed my waist with his other hand and grinded into me. He still had all his clothes on but i was in his favorite thong and bra set. He snapped the think waistband and pulled down his pants just enough so I can grab him in my hand. He moans loudly and kisses my shoulder.

"You're so good princesa, so good" he almost angrily moans. He loves to make love so its very rare when he wants to pound the shit out of me and claim me as his. I could feel his body heating up and how much he wanted me. But he also loves to tease so, he's going to play the long game.

He pressed me down into the bed face first with his body against mine, then, briefly he removed himself to remove his clothes. He got off and made his way to the dresser looking in each drawer whispering to himself so I let out a small giggle. He stopped moving and looked over at me he was standing upright , his shoulders moving up and down from his heavy breathing mouth open slightly with an angry look.

"te estás riendo de mi?" (you are laughingp at me?) "No papi yo no estabas" (no daddy I was not) I whimper and look away. I could feel his glare but i stayed in my position on the bed. I heard his steps coming towards me and then felt cold metal on one of my wrists.

"Turn around bebita (baby girl) he said too softly. I did as he asked and saw him put the other cuff around the pole on our headboard and he asked for my other hand which he then handcuffed.

I was now sitting against the headboard with my arms above me and my legs against me. He moved to the end of the bed with his hands behind his back ,facing me, he laughed then smiled a little. He stood there looking at me up and down while licking his lips. He was waiting for me to slip up so he could 'punish' me. He got onto the bed and stood on his knees.

"You looks so good when your helpless" he whispered. He crawled over to me and opened up my legs. He moved so he was in between them he then cupped my chin to give me a kiss. He then moved to my neck trailing all down my body stopping at my breasts. He started to rub my nipple through the thin bra I was wearing and kissed my collarbone.

I couldn't hold back my moans or my heavy breathing it was what he wanted. He moved my bra out of the way and licked my nipple while rubbing the other. It was the best thing ever, my entire body went numb my own personal high that he gave me . He did this for several minutes then came up briefly to kiss me then he went down to lay between my legs. He kissed my thighs all over in a way to show he worshiped my body. He loved me for me every perfection and imperfection I had.

I felt his lips getting closer and closer to kissing my clit softly in a teasing way. I tried moving closer to him but with my hands cuffed it was difficult. He slipped off my panties and threw them to the side. He looked at me from his position and he slowly lowers himself without breaking eye contact. He stuck his tongue out and flicked my clit making me jerk slightly towards him.

He let out a small laugh and wrapped his arms around my legs to keep me from moving. He went back to teasing me by just flicking me and sucking for only a second at a time.

"Ruby please, more" I beg almost unable to breathe. "Thats not my name princess" he whispered to me from behind my legs then went back to teasing me. "Please papi" I moaned with a shaky voice. He then stuck his tongue in me and flicked up my clit. He started sucking on it and he brought his fingers up to my mouth. I sucked on them and made sure to leave saliva on them as he pulled them out to stick inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his back and gripped onto the pole on the headboard. I felt him curl up to hit my g-spot make me jump and shake even more.

"Papi please I need you now" I begged. He moved his fingers from inside of me and moved into a sitting position. He looked at me as he brought his hand up to his face as he licked his fingers do clean them. He then uncuffed me. My arms fell in a weakening way. He then lifted me and flipped us over so I was on top.

" You going to ride me or what baby girl" He said with a smirk. He pulled his pants down and positioned me on top of him. I lowered myself down and watched him throw his head back with a deep moan escaping his mouth. I continued to go slow and steady to see if he would do anything.. We shared a sloppy kiss as he picked up the pace heavy breaths left my lips and mixed with his, he then flipped us over and thrusted harder into me.

I moaned loudly and pulled at the sheets. Every thrust pulled me closer to my orgasm, I was able to tell he's close too. "Faster,faster,faster,faster" I kept repeating as he continues to pound into me.

"Baby g-girl" he moans and threw his head back. His sweat fell from his body onto me every time he pushed into me. His thrusts became sloppy then faster I pulled him close to me then dug my nails into his back.

"Fuck he whispered repeatedly and used one hand to hold my hips down. "Who's daddy princesa?" He asked. "You are you are" I couldn't hold it back anymore, I scraped my nails across his back and screamed his name before coming all over him while he was still inside of me.

"Fuck baby!" He screamed and then pulled out before coming all over my stomach and chest. He was on his hands and knees above me breathing heavily, head hung low. He looked at me with tired eyes and smiled. "Well wasn't that fun"

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