lemme suck Dem Fingies

719 17 24

It's one am and I'm needy leave me alone


It had been just like any other day in the stray kids dorm.

I was sitting on the couch with my textbook, going over some last minute things before my big test the next day.

I haven't been particularly worried about this one, but momma chan had been nagging at me to at least brush up on some of my weaker points.

Unbeknownst to me, though, I was sucking on my fingers once again.

It was just a weird habit that had popped up recently.

I always need something in my mouth, whether it be a piece of gum or even my necklace.

Chan and seungmin have pointed it out a multitude of times, but I never realized I'm doing it until someone brings it up.

"Hyung, you're doing it again." Jeongin sit next to me on the couch.

"Hm?" I don't look up from my book.

"Your fingers." He explains, trying to pull my fingers away.

I huff and shoo him off.

"Hyung, it's really not good for you. You could get sick." Jeongin whines.

"Ah, leave the poor kid alone. If it helps with his stress, it'll be fine." Minho hyung shushes us as he walks in and sits on my other side.

"But hyung, look! His fingers are all wrinkly!" In protests.

Minho snorts, not looking.

"Fine, if his are so unusable, then he can borrow mine."

He puts his fingers up in my face, and so I shrug and gently take his fingers into my mouth.

Minho finally looks up from his phone, eyes wide.

"Oh- y/n! I didn't actually-"

I quickly let go and apologize. My cheeks are bright pink now.

"Ah! It's okay! Just let me go wash my hands first-"

Minho and jeongin get up quickly, scrambling for the bathroom.

"What's up with them?" Woojin asks as he wanders in with a bowl of leftovers.

I stick my pinkie in my mouth and shrug.


"Here, y/n! My hands clean!" Minho shoves his fingers back in my face eagerly.

"Hm?" I ask, tilting my head at him.

"No, hyung, use my fingers! I even used the good exfoliating soap!!" Jeongin pleads.

"I dont-"

"What are you kids harassing him for??" Chan scolds as he comes into the room.

"Nothing, hyung!" The chorus, and chan gives them suspicious looks before grabbing his book and walking back out of the room.

Both of the boys look back to me expectantly, putting their fingers in my face.

I look between them for a second before silently taking jeongins fingers into my mouth.

I mean, might as well humor them, right?

Minho pouts, and I bump shoulders with him before going back to my textbook.


Jeongin's fingers were slender and gentle, only twitching occasionally. He flinched every time my teeth brushed his knuckles, and by the time I had finished studying, he was bright red.

"Innie?" I ask, removing his fingers, "are you okay?"

He nods, even though his face is the same color as his hair.

"Thank you, hyung... I have to go get ready for bed now-" he says before bowing and running out of the room.

"I wonder what's up with him?" I hum before scooting over to sit in minho's lap, which is a normal thing for us.

I turn my attention to whatever is on the tv, some action show that he's sucked into.

I start chewing on the tips of my fingers, and minho pushes my hand away.

He gently presses the pads of his fingers against my lips, and I open them to welcome them.

"Fuck..." He lets out a shaky breath, then falls silent.

His fingers are thicker and heavier than jeongin's, and I swallow around them as I adjust.

He stays quiet, so I assume he got used to it and we go back to the movie while I gently suck on his fingers.


After the credits roll, woojin had gone to bed and it was just minho and I left in the living room.

"Can I try something?" He asks right as I was bout to get up.

"Mm hm." I nod.

He hesitates for a second before he readjusts his fingers and gently presses down on my tongue.

It feels weird, but nice in a way.

He nods, and I'm about to remove his fingers when-

He slowly shoves his fingers down my throat, to his knuckles.

I give him a confused look, and he has wide eyes.

He then slips just a bit farther to where-


I gag on his fingers, and he quickly removes them.

"Sorry, I just-" he begins, but I wave him off,

"It's all ok. Felt nice, to be honest. Thank you." I half smile to him, and his face goes red, just as innie's had.

I hop off of his lap and scamper off to bed, a dumbstruck look still on his face.


Good morning/ night


-_avesatanas_- won't text me back >:(

It's okay it's been literally 30 seconds since I've texted them and they might be asleep/busy lololol

Love you, b

Tbh I'm not even sure if anyone will even read this, which is good with me. This is more for me than anyone else.

Also I wanna do a Choi Jongho imagine after this

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