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Chan, jisung, and changbin hyungs, or 3racha (also my 3 boyfriends), have been at the studio for too long. It's been two days, and I know they haven't eaten and I doubt they've slept.

Usually I try to check up on them every once in a while to make sure they're still alive, but this weekend ive been too busy catching up on my work.

At the end of the second day, I had had enough.


I begged woojin hyung to drive me there, for I wasn't sure if I was staying or not and I didn't want to take up parking space.

"Thank you, hyung." I bow as I get out of the car.

"It's no problem. Just make sure they eat." He nods to the bag of food we had stopped and bought.

I promise and bow once more before he drives away.


I nervously gaze up at the looming building that their studio is in.

They don't like me being alone at night, so they might say something, but I don't care at this point.

I huff and go inside, counting the doors out of habit until I reach the one at the end of the hall on the left.

It's labeled '3racha' and I giggle a bit at their silly name before knocking on the door.


The door opens after a few moments, and sparkly brown eyes land on me.

Jisung smiles,

"Baby Agust!"



Two other voices combine and I hear the distinct sound of headphones being pulled off.

My other boyfriends, changbin and channie, come to the door and I get pulled into the room by the three boys.

Im hugged tightly to jisung while chan kisses all over my face and changbin runs his fingers through my hair.


"Guys! Get off- I brought food!"

They immediately forget I exist and chan snatches up my bag.

He sifts through it, grabbing what he wants and tossing the rest to the other two. He goes back to his laptop.

"Hyung!" Jisung whines, "you took all the good things!"

Changbin shrugs and grabs the rest before jisung can grab anything at all.

He pouts and drags me over to the couch.

"Fine, I'll just eat Agust instead~"

When they don't react, jisung pouts and sticks his head in the crook of my neck.

I flinch away and protest. I don't like people touching my neck!

He grips my waist tighter and I freeze.

He moves his face back to the crook of my neck and bites, right where he knows I'm sensitive.

I whine and arch my back a tiny bit,

"Jisunggie hyung, noo!"

He giggles and I poke his forehead.

He whines back, pouting even more now.

"You two be quiet. I'm trying to work." Chan calls gruffly.

I recoil and look down, not wanting to get in trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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