10; Our child

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I wake up grabbing my phone to check the time, "1:43." Denki told me to meet him at the arcade for 3:00

I roll out of bed to grab something to eat. I head over to my kitchen and grab a frozen pizza slice and walk back to my room well eating it.

Once I finished, I began to get ready doing the usual, showering, fixing my hair, brushing my teeth, changing into casual clothing then applying slight amount of makeup (optional, you don't need to apply any if your oc doesn't like it)

I walk over to my bed flopping onto it checking my phone as I land "2:28"

"Ah geez I should really head out now" I mumble to myself

I throw a bit of cash, my phone and my wallet into my purse. I put it over my shoulder, grabbing my keys to lock up before I head out since my parent is at work and my sister is still out... somewhere.. don't know where, but somewhere

Ah geez i won't make it if I walk after thinking for a quick second I run into my garage and grab my longboard "it's been a while my friend, let's hope I can still ride you" hehe maybe you'll be able to rid- NO NOT NOW THOUGHTS i shake my head at myself as I put down the board begging to skate to my destination.

"Oh my gosh I swear I've caught every single red light for crossing, geez could I go any faster" I sigh to myself well I'm almost there anyway

I check the time "2:57" SHOOT IM GONNA BE LATE

I begin to rush the last bits of the way there, after not long I make it, out of breath, but I do make it

"There you are (y/n)!! I'm glad you could make it" Denki exclaims with a smile. He's wearing a blue and white open flannel over a white T with black jeans (*cough* what Garroth from mystreet s1 wears *cough*) . He looks good. I hold up a finger signalling him to give me a second to catch my breath

"Take as much time as you need"

"..thank... you..." I mange to say between my heavy breathing

"Yeah no problemo, are you good tho?"

"Yeah I'm fine now don't worry"

"Okay well that's good"

"Hehe yeah"

"Well you look great today, shall we head inside?" He says not breaking eye contact, I feel my face heat up

"Y-yeah, let's h-head inside" I say, he smiles and grabs my hand, leading the way.

The arcade is huge, filled with pinball machines, racing games, ddr, what looks to be a few claw machines and many more games. The floor is a tacky dark blue with coloured rings on it, the walls are also a dark blue.
(Cut me some slack plz I've never ever been inside an arcade)

Denki turns to me,

"You hungry?" He asks me

"I could go for a snack"

"Well you're lucky I'm here, I'm the perfect snack"

"dam That was smooth" I say impressed

"Haha Thanks, let's grab a bite to eat though. Where should we go?"

"Hmmm maybe there" I say as I point towards a concession stand

"Sounds Good" he says walking in the direction, still holding on to my hand which makes me smile.

We get a hotdog and a drink taking a seat at a red and white booth table, sitting across from each other. We make small talk, laughing at each other's jokes. I can notice that somethings bugging him

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