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WARNING CHARACTER DEATH, BLOOD & GORE, AND A LOT OF ANGST AND TEARS!!! Also this is a human AU. Deceit's name is Damian, and Remus's stays the same.
Remus loved hearing Damian sing. His voice was so smooth and calming, If he were ever scared or nervous, His love would be there to calm him with his lovely voice. But he couldn't be calmed down now.
Remus's body shook with aggressive sobs, causing him to hardly get a breath in. He wasn't in good shape, but Damian was in even worse shape. Blood stained every inch of his clothes, the same crimson liquid pooled around the two, his chest and arms where covered his large cuts and wounds, 3 or 4 stab wounds marked his chest, dangerously close to his heart and other important organs. Damian struggled to get a breath in, forcing his eye open with what little strength he had. With his blurry, tear streaked eyes, he could see his lovers mouth moving, but the ringing in his ears drowned out any sounds around him.
"R-Rem...." he tasted copper in his tongue, feeling it pool at the back of his throat. He coughed, sending searing hot pain through his whole body again, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He felt a hand against his cheek, whipping the blood and tears from his face.
"Re-Remus....?" He's vision cleared for a moment, reviling the sobbing man leaning above him. Damian realized he's head was resting against his partners legs, as he was being held gently. He felt safe in Remus's arms, like he wasn't in so much pain, but another wave of pain hit him. He grit his teeth, and squinted his eye shut.
"Dee!" Remus sobbed, holding onto Damian a little tighter. "No, no, no, no!please..." he repeated, his heart shattering at the state of his only loved one.
Damian opened his eyes again seeing the heart broken face of Remus, more tears fell down his cheeks, landing on the brunets palm. He just wanted to reassure him, show him every will be fine, he has no need to cry. He gathered all the strength he could muster, and with a shaky hand he reached up and touched Remus cheek smearing the blood that had been on his fingertips against the others face. He didn't have time to think of a song in detail like he normally did, so he went with the first thing that came to his foggy mind.
"Y-you are my su-sunshine...." he tried his best to sings like he was fine, but he would be lying if he was. His voice shook, he wasn't sure if it was from the pain, or his own sobs.
Remus's eyes widen, he reached his hand up to Damian's ,which was still against his cheek, and intertwined their fingers. More sobs shook his body as he held onto his lovers hand, hoping it would help somehow.
"My only....sunshine." Damian's eyes fluttered close for a moment, but he forced them back open, blinking a few times. "You make me ha-happy, when sky's are g-gray...."
Remus let out another loud sob, he slowly leaning down and pressed his forehead to Damian's. He wanted to smile for him, but he just couldn't, not when he was like this. "D-Dee..." he whispered, tighten his grip on Damian's hand. "Please..." he felt so weak, he wanted to help, but there was nothing he could do.
Damian cracked a bloody smile, holding on to Remus hand. "you'll never know...dear," He started to lose his breath, but he kept going "how much I l-love you..." the blood covered male chocked on his own sobs, his grip loosening.
Remus held his breath, trying to hold  back more cries "P-please don't take...." he started, watching as Damian's eyes began to close, and his grip getting even looser. "M-my sunshine....away..." Remus finished, just as Damian's body went limp in his hold.

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