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Note: -SMUT-

Lena and Kara are high school students. Lena is the badass -out-of-the-closet lesbian and she has a crush on Kara. Kara is discovering her sexuality and asks Lena to kiss her to see if she feels anything for women. It leads into more...
first smut I've made so don't judge my crappiness.

Lena's POV:

I was searching my locker for my math book when I noticed someone walk up next to me quietly.

I turn to see Kara Danvers, the schools most innocent student, smiling at me.
That smile makes my heart flutter. She's so beautiful.

"Hey Lena!" She says cutely.

"H-hey Kara. What's up?" I stutter gazing up and down at Kara's adorable wardrobe choice.

She's wearing this ridiculous sweater with a cat on it that would look crazy on anyone else but seems to suit her just right.

She's in these tight black jeans and is clutching what looks to be a journal.

"What's the book?" I question.

"Oh just a book of some uh... songs I write. I'm a geek for writing songs." Kara adjusts her glasses shyly. I smile and bite my lip.

"It's cute." I say.

I can see Kara turning red. I love this effect I have on people.

"So is there something u wanted to say?" I turn back to my locker to find that bloody math book. Kara goes quiet and redder than ever.

"Uhh... yea. Look I was wondering if you could um... do me a huge favor." She mumbles fidgeting with the strap that holds her 'song book' shut.
I turn to face her.

"What did you do? Oh my gosh, did you kill Mr Dines?! Thank god because I can't find my math book. Did anyone see you?" I joke around. Except I really can't find my math book.

Kara giggles slightly. I stop smiling. This is obviously serious.

"Wait you actually didn't did you?"

"Oh my gosh, no Lena. Do I look like the kind of person who could kill someone?" She responds while moving herself to lean up against the locker.
I use this time to look her up and down again. I can't help it. She's so beautiful.

"True. You don't. You actually look like you would cry if you stepped on an ant." I smirk.

"Funny. Anyways what I was going to ask was..." she starts and trails off.
"Can you maybe... help me." She starts again.

"Help you?" I repeat. I'm confused.

"Yea. Um.... like I'm not sure about my sexuality. So maybe could you maybe help me?" She says quickly still fidgeting with the book strap.
I'm shocked. My years long crush wants me to help her discover her sexuality. I'm so in!
Okay calm down Lena. Be cool.

"Uh sure. No worries. How do you wanna do this?" I answer trying to hide the excitement in my voice. I'm not sure it's working.

"Well I was thinking we could meet in the bathroom out near the auditorium, cuz nobody goes in there, and maybe kiss. You know just to see if I feel anything." Kara suggested

"Sounds great! Let's meet there instead of going to math. It doesn't look like I'm going to be finding this book anything soon. And I'd rather get a detention for missing class to do something helpful instead of getting one for losing my bloody book." I try to joke around but I'm just super shocked and excited right now I'm not sure how it's coming out...
Kara smiles and her face goes back to her normal colour.

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