Chapter 7

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Sophie's P.O.V.

Arriving home after two hours of cheerleading practice, I quickly took a shower and went downstairs to find something to eat before I had to leave to go and meet Ally. Entering the kitchen, I saw my mum sitting on a bar stool talking to someone on the phone. not caring about who she was speaking to, I grabbed the mac'n'cheese out of the refrigerator and put it in the microwave for it to hear up. While waiting for it to get warm, I watched my mum. Her face was tensed and she looked pissed. She was doodling something on a random letter, while listening to the person on the other end. As the microwave signalized me that my food was now ready to be eaten, I sat down next to my mum and ate. She was still talking on the phone, so I took my own and replied to some messages and checked my facebook. By the time I finished eating, my mum was about to end the call.

"Thank you. I'll see you in about an hour."

I eagerly looked at her, but my mum took my now empty plate and put it in the dishwasher without saying one single word.

"Who were you speaking with?", I asked.

"Your Latin-teacher. He told me you're about to fail his class."

She turned around and looked me dead eyed in the face.

"The last time I asked you how you're doing in school, you seemed quite sure you were keeping up with everything."

She was literally screaming at me by now. I felt tears building in the corners of my eyes and my mouth getting dry. I did not have an answer and I wasn't able to even try to speak. I thought I was goo in school. I thought I don't have problems in any class, but I guess I thought wrong.

"Stop crying! You're lucky enough your teacher likes you that much, to tutor you himself. I'm driving you to his in half an hour and he'll be helping you with your understanding and grammar problems."

My mind was going crazy. What did this woman just said? Mr. Nielson will tutor me? I just nodded as a respond and run upstairs in my room. I sat down on the edge of my bed and stared at the wall.

It took me some time to understand what just happened and that I actually had planned to meet Ally. I quickly dialed her number and waited impatient for her to answer the call. After a few rings, she finally picked up.

"Hey Soph. What's up?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to cancel our shopping trip today."

"Oh, it's alright." I knew she was upset with me canceling it the second time.

"No, it's not. Ally it's the second time. I feel guilty!"

"Don't be, really. We can respite it to next week or next weekend, really it's on problem."

"Sure thing! Thanks Ally."

"No problemo kiddo."

And the line was dead. I'm a bad friend. I inhaled loudly, before I changed in some more appealing clothing. I stuffed some pencils and my notebook in my bag and went downstairs to my mums car, to drive to Mr. Nieslon.

Ally's P.O.V.

Being alone bored me to death. I was lying on the couch, watching an episode of friends. I was alone, as always. my dad was still in New Zealand, my mum usually works till midnight and my brother was at a friends house. Not wanting to spend my Friday alone, I texted Mr. Barry.

>>Save me I'm dying of boredom.<<

Cole directly replied.

>>Be there in 20<<

I smiled. Cole and I have been in a relationship for almost a week. The one day we talked about us he told me he'll try to make this with us work.

It's just one year until we can be a normal couple, until we can go to the cinema or eat at a fancy restaurant, but I am happy the way it is right now. Everything feels alright and is perfect.

After spending more minutes alone, he finally arrived at my house. I opened the door and was immediately greeted by two strong arms wrapping themselves around me and a sloppy kiss on my forehead.

"Hey", I said as squeezed more into the hug.

"Hi", he whispered in my hear.

I don't know how long we stood like this, but as we released each other, I felt cold. We practically spend the whole week together, everyday after school and I would want to miss this for anything in this world.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him.

He moved away from me and made himself comfortable on the couch. He opened his arms for me to lay down beside him. I felt my cheeks heat up, but I didn't move. I was still new to this relationship thing and quite shy about it, but it felt good and I felt save. As I still wasn't moving he looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Come here, I want to cuddle."

"I'd love to, but my brother could return home any minute. We are not save here."

He groaned and got to his feet. He took my hand in his and we walked to his car. I sat down in the passenger seat and watched him, while he was driving.

He usually looked calm and young, but now he looked tired, stressed and worn out.

"You looked stressed. What's up with you?" I asked concerned.

His emotionless eyes searched mine, before he turned his gaze back on the road.

"A lot of work and some personal problems with my family. Nothing important so don't worry."

I think Mr. Barry realized that I did not believe him. I wanted to give him time so he knows he can speak with me and trust me. He took my hand in his and stroke the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I'll open up when I'm ready, okay?"

I just nodded and gave him a little smile.

After driving for good thirty minutes we finally arrived at his house.

Before we got out of the car, he caressed my cheek with his hands and gave me a sweet and short kiss on my lips.

"There's one thing I still have to tell you."

I gulped. Oh god what is he going to tell me? Is he married or does he even have kids? My mind was racing and I felt a headache coming up.

"I'm living together with Mr. Nielson and Thomson. We share the apartment, because it's quite expensive living here on your own, so there's quite a big possibility that they are home."

I let out a laugh.

" I know."

"You know?"

"Yeah. Practically the whole school knows. Some student even think you guys are gay."

Now Cole started to laugh.

"Kids these days!"

We got out of the car and I followed him inside. Entering the apartment, we were greeted by loud music and both his roommates sitting on the couch with their MacBooks on their laps.

"I did not expect teachers to be fans of Skrillex."

I smiled brightly at my wonderful boyfriend with these mesmerizing ocean blue eyes as Cole shuck his head at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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