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As Leo drove back to my apartment it was silent. I was too deep in thought to care to talk. Eli was a mafia leader, and my brother is his second in command. I was mad, but mainly at myself. Leo always talked about his work, he was an accountant, he seemed so proud of his work. Clearly that was all a lie. I was supposed to be a lawyer, how did I not see something that was staring me right in the face. How did he hide it so well?

"So..." he started. I just murmured a quick huh in response, looking out of the window. "I know you know." I ignored him.

We finally arrived back in my apartment and both sat in the car in the underground parking lot waiting for one of us to say goodbye.

"I have a question."
"Sure Remi what is it?"
"You haven't killed anyone right?"
"When I said I was an accountant I wasn't lying. I'm Eli's second in command, all I do is the paper work and money. Managing the transactions etc."
"Money from selling drugs and weapons,"
"Why do you do it, your smart, I know you are, why do something so dangerous?"
"Believe it or not, I enjoy it, Eli is like a brother to me, and I also make a lot of money." He laughed, "not everything we do is bad Remi, Eli's not evil,"

                    - - -

It was the next day and i was sorting through paper work and evidence for all my cases. Eli's was going to court in seven days and hopefully it was going to be an easy win. They had no solid evidence to say the drugs and weapons were his, they were just assuming and it was all word of mouth. Obviously I knew he probably should be in jail, but that would mean sending my brother down with him.

All I wanted to do was win the case next week and forget this ever happened, act like Leo is not in a mafia.

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E L I 'S PoV

Sitting in the tiny cell I waited for the phone call to come through. The police officer had come in about 20 seconds ago and told me someone had a message for me. Probably one of my many enemies I have but can't do anything about while I'm in this stupid cell.

The phone mounted on the wall rang and I picked it up, pulling the cord until I could sit in the metal bed.

"Eli," a voice came through. I didn't recognise the voice and waited for them to continue.
"She's cute,"
"No she's not," I snap back.
"So you know who I'm talking about?" He paused, probably hoping I'd give something more away. Instead he huffed carrying on.
"I know you too well brother." It quickly hit me in the face who I was talking to.
My brother and I used to be close, before Jake. There were four of us, Jake, Samuele, Donte and I. Until Jake died, and it was all my fault. It hit Donte hard, he was the closest to Jake but we were all really close. Not just brothers but best friends.

"Donte, what do you want?"
"You killed him, you knew I wasn't going to let it go!" I pulled the phone away from my ear as he screamed through the phone.
"So what are you going to do Donte?"
"I just thought that little lawyer of yours looked cute, thats all," I could practically hear his smirk as he tried to push my buttons. I hung up the phone not being bothered to listen to the rest.

He was trying to use Remi against me. Luckily for me I didn't care and had switched off my feelings alone time ago. Remi was not my problem.

Keep telling yourself that.

                     - - -

              2 days later
R E M I ' S PoV
I was being followed. I could feel it, something had felt wrong all morning and only now had it clicked what was going on.
I grabbed out my phone as I picked up my speed walking to my apartment block.

I had just come back from seeing my best friend Olivia. We hadn't seen each other in a while so I had stayed quite late.

I dialled the first person I thought of who could help me. Make me feel safe again. God I was so nervous my hands were shaking.

Get it together girl.

"Hey Remi, what's up?" I turned my head trying to not look suspicious but looking for the man I had seen many times today.
"Someone's following me, Leone," I whispered into the phone.
"Where are you Remi?"
"Fern street, and Leone..."
"This wouldn't have anything to do with you and Eli would it?"
Thee was silence on the other end of the phone until Leone said, "We'll be there in two minutes, keep walking and don't look back," and he hung up.

Why did I ever agree to helping Eli. Now I'm being bloody followed at 11 o'clock at night.

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Eli Moretti ~ Mafia | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now