#96 Bakugou x Trans!Reader

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Reader is FTM

Requested by Emo_Alex45

Okay, so I'm not exactly the best at representing people and them going through difficult situations. So if I haven't accurately described what it feels like to be transgender and the struggle you have to go through, I apologise!!

Ah, another day of hell.. y/n thought as you looked up at your high school. U.A, the most prestigious hero school in Japan. "Hmm, another day of faking.." you mumbled as you walked through the gate and towards the school entrance. You see, you were transgender. You felt as though you were meant to be born male instead of female but you were scared.

Scared of judgement and people looking down on you like so many others. You were scared to come out, especially to your best friend Bakugou. I mean, he was all you really had, your parents were both pro heroes and were to busy to care for you, your extended family had long since distances themselves and your siblings didn't really like you.

"Oi! Y/n, hurry up or you'll be late to class dipshit!" A certain angry blonde yelled out to you. "Huh? Oh, hi Katsuki!" You said putting on a small smile. "You're going to be late to then right?" You asked tilting your head. "Whatever girly, come on!" He said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you along.

Girly? Ugh.. I hate it. Why can't I just tell you? You thought as you arrived to class just in time. "Class! Settle down. Today you're going to be wearing your hero costumes to test them against each other's quirks! Go get changed." Aizawa called out to you as you had just got settled. "All right! I'm gonna kick your ass Katsuki!" You yelled out running away. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, I WON'T GET BEATEN BY A GIRL!!"

Ah, there it is again.. I'll tell him.. soon. You thought as you had gotten to the changing rooms to get ready.

Time skip

"Okay, settle down and listen up!" You had blocked Aizawa out and day dreamed about ways to tell Bakugou your secret. Will he accept me? I hope so.. I can't lose him..

"Hey l/n? Why is your hero costume so... masculine?" Mineta said with a look of disgust on his face. "What are you? A tranny?" He asked laughing slightly. (Note: I don't condone making fun of transgender people. If you do, you're a piece of shit in my opinion!) You stared at him with tears building up in your eyes. "It's just more comfortable for me.." you mumbled as you looked down at the ground trying to calm yourself down.

"Well, I think you should show off your boobs and ass more!! I mean you're a girl, might as well use them to your advantage!!" He said drooling over the mention of boobs and ass. "I... Mr Aizawa? Can I be excused please?" You asked shaking, causing the rest of the class to look at you in concern. Bakugou however, had heard everything the grape boy said and was furious.

"I'll take her. It's better for him because if I don't go.. I'll kill him." He threatened as he walked over to you and pulled you away.

Once you were a good distance away from the class he pulled you into a hug. "I heard what he said.. that piece of shit.. I'll kill him if you need me to." He said squeezing you. You leaned into him and hugged him back tightly. "N-no.. it's fine. I need to go calm down, you should head back.."

"Why'd you get so upset?" He asked causing you to stiffen. "You usually take insults well... why did he affect you so much y/n?" He asked, worry obvious in his ruby orbs. "I won't judge you.. you're my best friend after all.." he mumbled blushing and looking away.

Nows my chance!! Don't reject me please.. I need you! You thought before pulling away and nervously playing with your fingers. "Promise me you won't judge me or spread this.. I'm.. well I'm transgender Bakugou. I'm a boy.." you said holding your breath waiting for his reply.

"You are? Okay. Now I'm definitely going to kill him!!" He growled trying to stomp away to explode Mineta. "Wait!! You're okay with it? You don't hate me?" You asked, desperate for his confirmation. "Of course I'm okay with it! Why the fuck wouldn't I be y/n? Oh wait.. what do you want me to call you by?" He asked as he turned to you.

Smiling you hugged him. "B/n.. call me b/n!" You said happily.

It's been a few months since you'd come out to him

Since you came out to Bakugou, he'd been even more caring for you and showed his support in any situation. Hell, he even cut your hair for you and helped you explain to your class that you used he/him pronouns and that you wanted to he referred to as b/n. Obviously they supported you, Bakugou best the shit out of Mineta as he'd made even more transphobic comments and the class hugged you and told you that you had their undying support.

For that day, you had been beyond happy. Every time someone called you by your name you smiled so wide the room lit up. Mineta refused to call you b/n and still used your dead name and tried to grope you, the class scolded him and by the end of the day your face hurt from the smiling you had done.

"Oi, oi!! B/n? You're coming to mine. I have a surprise for you." Bakugou said as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you along behind him. "Hey!! I can walk on my own Katsuki!" You said giggling as you walked beside him. The walk to his house was full of laughs and normal conversation.

"Right, wait in the living room. The old hag and wimp aren't here to harass you so get comfy." He said rushing up to his bedroom to get your surprise. "Hmm, I wonder what he got me.." you mumbled to yourself as you threw yourself on the couch.

"Here." He said throwing a package at you. "Oof, hey be careful!!" You said as you sat up and opened the package. Once the wrapping was gone you stared at it in awe. "You.. are you serious?" You asked looking up at him. "You got me a binder!?" You yelled as you leapt up and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Katsuki!!" You said crying as you pulled back smiling. "Anything for you b/n.." he said giving you a small smile

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