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Moon: Three Miles Tower.

Blue eyes shot up in surprise as he halted his digital finger print. He was shocked. It was not everyday that a news like that popped out.

"Excuse me, what?" Minato asked his wife. He was currently finalizing the plans and budget for the establishment of a new mining station on the lower atmosphere of Saturn. It was a new type of station they was believed to increase the efficiency of their production by at least thirty percentage.

"He said he was going to the University." Kushina smiled. She too was shocked when her son ran up to her and told her that he was going to attend the university in Tokyo. She had asked him why because he had been hellbent in not going back yo earth. His habit of going to his lab and locking himself up with those computers and machines had made her troubled and that endless horde of girls leaving his room either naked or escorted by guards had made her question herself if she had not been a good enough mother but then again he was perfect in almost every thing.

"Naruto is going to University? Kushina? You let him go?" He was shocked. The moon was their base of operations. From here they could control their entire enterprise. Going down to earth when ever they wanted was not in their luxury.
If word leaked out that their son was actually in earth, the entire planet would rush to his doorsteps. "You understand what will happen if.."

"He said it was fine. Who could know anyway. We have never announced his name in public, there is Kakashi with him too. He will handle things for him." She was being supportive. Though there was not much the university could teach him, but Naruto was taking steps towards civilizing.

What both of them did not know was that Naruto no longer was the same guy. He was ten years more mature and he had seen much more.

"Where will he be staying?"

Kushina smiled. "Do we have lack of houses?"

Minato shook his head. "No we don't. He took that damned armor right? That thing cost me three billions only to get the resources. " he smiled. The Protonium armor was their son's greatest achievement. They were proud about it.

"He did actually." She nodded.

"Where exactly is he going?" Asked Minato. Though they were of Japanese origins but they had properties practically in every corner if the world.

Seeing her husbands inquiry, she smiled. "Home."

Minato rose his eyebrow, "The tower?"

"Yeah, and he took the key." She smirked.

"The golden key?" Minato asked back.

"Yup, he took it too."

Earth: Kyoto Japan.

She was a daughter of a aristocratic family. So going to university was, even though a compulsion from government, a rare opportunity for her.

She was always homeschooled. Taught to behave best, to be a lady of manners. She did not know what it meant to be free. She was a caged bird, one who sang for the pleasure of her master. And the master was her father.

She stood with her head bowed, she could never look into those cold eyes of her father, he owned a huge company, it was one of the richest among the higher clans. Though companies like the Flying thunder God Corps and the Uzumaki Health and pharmaceuticals which were active over the entire solar system were too huge for their father's company to compare to, their company was fairly big in context of earth. They could easily compete with big companies from America and all other nation that were now United.

Naruto: the outcastWhere stories live. Discover now