Night terrors

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[America's POV]

I've been listening to allot of music. Only a little bit of it is happy. Ugh how did my life go down hill this fast?! Just 1 moment and my whole life is changed forever! I feel a tear fall down my face. I wipe the tear away with he sleeve of my hoodie but more tears fall down. I felt like Billie Ellish from that one music video with the black tears... It was like that but with normal tears. I pulled my hood up and brought my knees to my chest. I began to cry into my hands. I tried to hide my sniffles as much as I can because my whole family is home. The voice started to play in my mind...

The blade is in the drawer next to you. Just cut yourself already.


I looked over to my bedside table. I reached over to the drawer and slowly opened it. I lifted up a few pieces of paper and saw the razed blade. I shakily grabbed ahold of the razer. 'Why am I so scared? I've done it before...' I thought looking at the blade. I lifted my sleeve, revealing blood stained bandages. I took them off and laid them next to me. Then I out the razer sharp blade to my skin. Little droplets of blood formed. I stared, only for a second thought before I slid the blade over my wrist. I began to cry again, hot tears flowed down my face as I cut more and more... All up and down my arm. It was like that voice got control over my body... Forcing me to keep cutting... Soon I stopped. Blood dripped from my arm onto my bed. I ran to my bath room and turned the water to the sink on. I soaked my arm in the water. It burned... The water turned red once it hit my wrist. After the cuts were cleaned I put new bandages on them. I pulled my hoodie sleeve down and walked into my room. I threw the old bandages out and his my razer. I then face planted onto my bed. I put blue tooth head phones on and listened to Save Me from X, he has really good music... This one reminds me of... Well, me. I silently sang the lyrics.

Hello from the dark side end
Does anyone here wanna be my friend?

Voices in my head
Telling me I'm gonna end up dead..

After a few songs, I drifted asleep. And
Fell into dream Land... This ain't gonna be good...

I was surrounded by darkness the only light was from above me, I front of me. My chest felt tight. And I couldn't move. I panicked, trying to move or scream. But all came out was muffles. 'No no no no no no no no... Not again not again please..' I thought. My heart felt like it was going to expload I to a million pieces... I saw a black figure in the light they walked towards. I tried to move back but couldn't. the figure grabbed into my shirt then everything went black.

I woke up tied up to a table. Again I had a full panic attack... I started hyperventilating. The figure appeared over me. He had a knife... It looked really sharp. He began to cut down my shirt. He hit my skin a bit making me scream. I noticed the guys face... North Korea... I began to cry as he pulled my pants down. He revealed his member and... And...

"NO!! NO! STOP STOP-" I screamed out loud. I felt someone, or 2 people holding me down. "America calm down!" I heard Australia yell. He had my right arm. I was kicking... They kept holding me down from my arms, then my legs. I kept screaming.. "PLEASE!!! STOP!!" I began to cry. Then I snapped back to reality. Tears streamed down my face, my eyes were wide. My breathing was heavy.. my chest went up and down swiftly. "Calm down son..." My father said. My breathing became steady again and I began to calm down. I looked around my room. Canada, Aussie, Kiwi, and my mom and dad were standing there. 'Did I have a night terror so bad that they all had to come in..?' I thought. "We heard you screaming so we came in. You were moving around In your sleep screaming "stop, no, and please. Did you dream of what happened to you when you were missing? What happenend to you?" My father asked, his voice full of worry. I hesitated, "no no no! It was just a dream!" I said. "BULLSHIT" UK shouted making me flinch. "I know someone hurt you!!  I'm worried for you and if you don't tell us what happened we can't help you fix this!!" UK scolded. I stared at him, "fuck off.." everyone stared at me in disbelief.. i never swear like that.. "Are y-you guys d-deaf?! GET THE FuCk OUt!" I screamed. Everyone stared at me once again. Then they left. Before Canada left he looked at me and said "I don't know whats wrong with you but you've changed! I want my brother  back..." Canada's voice became shaky at the end of his sentence, he started to cry and he waked out closing the door and I heard him crying from outside. I put my face into my hands and began to cry once again. "W-why am I such a fuck up all of the sudden?! Why did this have to happen to me?! Why God... Why?!" I said outloud between sniffles. Soon I cried myself to sleep with my legs held up against my chest...

This chapter was kinda sad... Sorry that it's short!

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