1 Josephine

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I dont know how they made me into doing this. It was two weeks after New Year's day. I was into books and a little bored so when Val called me in the afternoon i agreed without thinking.

I dont like night clubs. Actually i have never been to them. Well, once at the concert and once my friend didnt have a passport so we couldnt get in as secruty thought that we were under age. I put on my black dress and let my hair loose. I dont apply much make-up. Some mascara, consiler to cover two pimps and black spots under my eyes. And as usually light pink lipstic. I just dont like the dark ones, i have some, though.

A new night club has its openning today and that's where we are going. Valentine always into something. Well, actually, it's me who always organise our evenings but something happened to me after last summer. I just dont want to go anywhere and read, read and read all days long.

Valentine's roommie told her about this new club. We are going with this friend. So there are three singles going together on Saturday night. We go there by taxi. Talks dont stop the whole way here. Indra (that's the girls name) tells us everything about this new club and some famous dj's playing music there today. I dont know there names as i dont go to night clubs. Indra says that she knows one of them so he can get us VIP places or something. I dont know how they call it. Well, i'm excited as the girls are.

When we get to the club there is a huge crowd line. I dont like lines, i always get bored in them and look at the candies i can buy while at the supermarket. We pay for the ride and get out of the car.

«Long line, - i notice. – We wont get there till midnight».

«Dont worry, Zayn will take us in,» - says Indra and calls someone. Zayn, i guess.

Valentine smiles at me. My friend has always been considered to be the most beautiful girl wherever we go or she goes. She has short wavy hair, brown-green eyes, cute nose but thin lips and it's not the problem as she has a beautiful smile and she's very slim like a model. She's easy-going in comparisment to me. My long thick dark blonde hair doesnt help me. I have always been told that i am ugly, even my mom tells me this. If you hear the description of my face features you'll find me quite beautiful (all of my friends say that i'm very beautiful but thanks to my bringing i dont believe them). I have dark grey eyes, little nose, full lips and high cheekbones. I am not slim, kind of curvy. But i cant say im fat. My size is S (44) so you knew.

«Are you ready for the great night?»  asks Val.

«Yeah, but i dont think we'll get in soon,» my answer sounds quite pessimistic.

« Okay, we'll wait,»  we hear Indra coming to us. We mometally turn our heads to her. «Zayn will pick us in a minute but we have to get through this crowd a little». The three of us look at the crowd. It grew even bigger.

«Okay»,  i say for me and my friend.

«Come on, guys», says Indra, takes me by the hand and forces me to follow. Val smiles and follows us two. We managed to get through the crowd a little and stopped to wait.

«Why did we stop?» Val asks.

«Zayn need to see us to help us,» Indra says,still holding my hand and looking at the security. Right after her words some guy appears next to him. He tells the security something. The guy is quite handsome. Dark hair, brown eyes, when he got closer to us, i see piercing in his eyebrow. His hands covered in tattoos, some are black whereas others colorful. The guy is really handsome. He looks like a model.

«Hey» Indra smiles at him and we get that he is Zayn. Indra hugs him and then turns to us. «Guys, it's Zayn. You probably heard about him. He was djing in that Arena club» says Indra like it helps us. Well, not me. I look at Val and she is smiling. She knows this guy.

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