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(Next Week)

(At night, in Tony's room)

Tony: (hears his dad and Emma talking) Dad. You're talking to loud.

Will: Not now Anthony.

Tony: Goodnight dad.

(Next day)

Tony: (walks into the audtiomia with Santana and the trouble tones)

(Talking about something)

Tony: Wow Hudson you need to back the fuck up. (pushes him)

(All the guys separate them, Santana goes infront of Tony, touches his face)

Tony: (looking at Finn)

Santana: Baby. Look at me. (tries to make his head to met her)

Tony: (gives up and looks down)

Santana: (kisses him)

Tony: I love you. (whispers)

Santana: I love you two.

(Will and Shelby sing a song)

Mercedes: We are not combing.

Will: No we are going to do a mashup off.

(Everyone cheers)

(Next day)

Santana: Hey there Orca.

Finn: Hey Santana you look like an ass-less J.Lo.

Tony: (laughs alittle then smacks Santana ass) No there is a ass there.

Santana: (laughs, then playfully hits Tony)

Rory: You're skinny like all the crops failed on your family's farm.

Tony: Huh?

Santana: That is the lamest thing I didn't understand a word of

Brittany: Not one word.

(Next day at dodge ball)

Puckerman: Don't die.

(Hit me with your best shot and im going to get you)

(Tony in with all the girls)

Tony: (gets a dodge ball. Hits Puckerman, Then Kurt) Im sorry guys. (Hits Finn in the face)

(In the treble tones)

Mercedes; Alright ladies and Tony. I was up all night last night coming up with an idea for the mashup. Adele.

Tony: Uh..........

Mercedes: And Ton you can throw in whatever you like.

Tony: Alright.

Shelby: I think thats a great idea.

Santana: Now I can forcus on my fight with Finn.

Tony: Woah. Woah no more.

Mercedes: Santana the dodgeball thing was fun until the end but enough

Santana: No honey I'm just getting started.

Mercedes: Im the leader of this group and Im telling you lay off those guys

Santana: Im sorry Leader? Who died and made you queen Aretha?

Mercedes: I brought you guys in and I came up with the idea for our mash-up. While you were wasting time trying to figure out how to make Finn Hudson cry. So I nominate myself as president of the trouble tones. All in favor? (almost everyone puts their hands up)

Glee- Santana Lopez Love Story (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now