Lights Out

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(2 weeks later back in New York)

Tony: (sitting on a couch)

Santana: Look what I found. (has a couch)

Tony: Gross.

Santana: Quite you.

Tony: (laughs)

Rachel: We have to talk to you and Tony.

Tony: Why me?

Kurt: Even though we love you Ton you don't have a paying job.

Tony: I help with my dad?

Rachel: Yeah but you don't get payed. So thats why you are here.

Tony: Fine Ill get a job.

(Next day)

Kurt: Whats the most epic event?

Rachel: The gala.

Kurt: Well I have some tickets. And you guys are allowed to come.

Tony: Well Im just going to stay home that night.

Kurt: Oh come on Tony Im sure you can get a suit for cheap. Or you can actually use one of Vogues suits and keep it.

Tony: Kurt I'm not really into ballet.

Santana: If he's not going Im not.

Kurt: Come on Tony.

Tony: I guess I will go.

Kurt: Yay.

(At the event)

Isabelle: Ok you're on Rex Reed duty Kurt. Keep him away from the open bar

Kurt: Gotcha.

Isabelle: Hey Tony and Santana. How do you guys feel about Cherry Jones?

Tony: I don't know who that is.

Santana: Whatevs

Rachel: Miss.Isabelle, Im sorry, I know that we're just volunteers here, but Kurt and I were wondering if there was any possibility, that we could maybe watch the performance from the auidence?

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