Chapter Seventeen: Ariadne

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Ariadne's POV

"I'm hungry," Iris complained.

"We'll find Monsieur Jacque and get a snack," I promised, knowing it wouldn't come close to filling her ever-hungry stomach.

We walked into the castle and all the older sisters helped the younger ones take off their cloaks and gloves. Then we all gathered in the living room, in front of the fire, and rang for one of the servants to bring some snacks up to the room.

"Tell Monsieur Jacque we request his presence," I told the small maid who nodded and returned a few moments later with the chef – who brought more treats with him.

"Tell us a story!" Juno said sitting down with her treat.

"I can't think of one you haven't already heard," I said.

"What about King Rowland?" El asked. She had been trying to find books on him, but couldn't. We assumed someone had burned them all.

"I know a good story," Monsieur Jacque said, sitting down on a chair that sat in the middle of the eager girls.

"Go!" Khione said clapping.

"Onze upon a time, zer vus a magical kingdom," he started, using his hands to help tell the story. "And in ze kingdom, zer vus a vicked king, named King Rowland. And he vanted to control all magic. And you could tell if he used magic on someting because it vould have a rare gem, vith a tiny 'R'. Zey say he picked ze stone for its bright red colour."

I gasped. Could it be King Rowlands magic that let me enter the mysterious kingdom. Or was it just a coincidence.

"Itz also said zat he vas so evil he even cursed his sons to never see sunlight if he wasn't King, because if he couldn't be King zen no one could. Not even his own sons. Zey could only escape if zey freed him.

"Now, zis King lived in zis very castle; but don't be frightened, After he had stolen all ze money from ze people, zey got angry, and had a marvelous plan to capture the vicked King. And zeir plan vorked very well. Zey caught ze King and sent him to be executed.

"It vould have vorked parfaitement, but ze King escaped vith a few of his followers, leaving his sons behind to zeir doom."

"Where did he go?" Fortuna asked.

"Most say he vent to Brendowin."

We all gasped; even I hadn't heard that theory before. What if he was still there? That was in our Realm, not too far from Glendowin, our home!

"And no one knows vat happened to his sons. Some say zat ze king had zem killed. Others say zat zey ran away, never to be seen again."

"What about the curse?" El asked.

"Not many believe in magic anymore," Fortuna said, rolling her eyes.

"Vell, zat is all I know about ze vicked King. Now, you should all go do someting together," he said then got up and left us to decided what we should do.

"That wasn't a happy story," Iris complained.

"Do you think it's true?" El asked hopefully, she loved fairy tales and myths and often wished they would come true.

"I hope not," Bell said. "Or the evil King will come and snatch us all up!" She said in her creepiest voice, making Galene jump.

Bell smiled at her success. "Besides, no one could be that powerful," She said then picked up Leto, tossed her into the air and caught her again.

"Careful!" I said. "Don't drop her."

"I won't," Bell said rolling her eyes.

I rolled my eyes back at her, then felt a tap on my arm, and looked down to see Juno. "What we going to play?" she asked.

I looked at her confused.

"Cook man said to do someting togezer," she said exasperated.

"Oh!" I said. "Let's see what everyone else wants to do, okay?" I said then quieted all my sisters. "What do you guys want to do now?"

Several voices called out different things. I laughed, we could never decide right away.

"Okay, we've got some ideas now, so let's try and decide on one," I said, knowing it was impossible to get everyone to agree, but decided it was worth a try.

"Khione and Leto can't do 'catch me'," Bell said. "And I'm not holding them and running again."

"I don't want to do 'peasants', we always pick that one!" Iris whined.

"Okay, so that rules out-"

"I'm not playing 'hide and find', Juno always gives me away!" Fortuna said, glaring at Juno who yelled back, "Whatever!" And all the other girls joined in.

I sighed and slumped back into the nearest chair, this would never work.

"Quiet!" Bell yelled standing on a stool. "Charities has something to say," and plopped down to give Charities the floor.

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What will happen next?? 

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