Chapter Twenty: Ariadne

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Ariadne's POV

I decided not to tell my sisters about Simeon, there would be too many questions and I didn't think I would be able to answer all of them. I also didn't want word getting back to the counselors.

I was walking up the library to try and distract myself from all the information and questions the council had thrown at me after I had returned from talking with Simeon. I had failed most of their questions and realized just how unprepared I am to be Queen. I had been training for my whole life but had never truly done anything to benefit my people or make decisions for their welfare. At least now I had a plan to help my people and I knew it would be more beneficial than anything the council seemed to be doing.

After walking passed hundreds of shelves, gathering books the council was making me read, I finally just sat down and picked up the first book I saw that had an interesting title, which was "A Stone of Legend". It was an old book and all the pages were handwritten with something other than ink, though I couldn't tell what. I opened to the first page and began reading the messy handwriting-

Many have searched for the stone, but few have found it and gazed upon its marvelous surface. I am one of the few who have, however. And I decided to write my findings for those who are also interested in the legendary stone: Bixbite.

Its color varies from a light pink to a deep red and is generally found where the smoking red mountains once resided. I found my piece of Bixbite in Chetsonova of the 5th Realm, in a cave under the Big Black Mountain.

I tried to read the rest of the page, but the words were smeared and it looked as though it was thrown in a puddle sometime ago.

I turned a few pages but found the same result. There were a few sections that were undamaged but not many. After realizing that was all the book was going to be, I flipped to the last page to see if I could make out any of those words; I barely could. It read-

...change the world... I need... control the stone... all-powerful... No one... stop me... my mark... fear me... unlock its true powers... a matter of time.

                                                                         -King Rowland

I slowly shut the book as thoughts filled my head. King Rowland? Bixbite is his stone. I already knew he was evil. Could this stone have something to do with it? Then I remembered the story that Monsieur Jacque had told us. This must be what he was referring to!

I stood up, book in hand, and went to my room to put the newfound information somewhere I could easily find it again.

"What are you doing?" a voice said from behind and I quickly shoved the book under my bed.

"Nothing," I answered and turned around to see Bell with her arms crossed, standing in the doorway. She stared me down for a few minutes before speaking again. "Harriet wants to see you."

I groaned. I couldn't seem to get away from her. "Why?"

Bell shrugged. "Something about a dress for tomorrow."

"What's going on tomorrow?" I asked. Besides meeting Simeon I couldn't think of anything else, but no one else knew about that.

"No idea," Bell answered then left.

I stood up and went to our dressing room after a few minutes of trying but failing, to come up with a reason why I would need a dress for tomorrow. I stepped into the room, and Harriet walked in right behind me, apologizing to our short dress master, Mr. Eli. That wasn't his real name, in fact, I think I have only heard his name once, but no one, not even my father, can pronounce it. We used to call him Mr. Elegant because he also taught us etiquette and was always so graceful, but that was soon shortened to Mr. Eli. Mr. Eli also loves designing, and with dresses, especially royal dresses, he could perfect his designs and make them as elaborate as he wanted. And he was always experimenting with new techniques; as of late you could see him wearing his latest masterpiece, or even having the maids try on some dresses, and wear them around the palace to see how many compliments it received. His gowns were in high demand and we were his favorite customers. He hardly had time for others.

"The princess is never late," Mr. Eli insisted after Harriet apologized again.

"Alright, but if there's anything-" Harriet started.

"You know what, I think I forgot to bring my scissors, would you mind grabbing them for me?"

"Of course," Harriet said. "I'll be back in a moment."

"And how is my beautiful crown princess, this lovely afternoon?" He asked grabbing a measuring tape and measuring me to see if I had changed since we last met; which I doubted because the last time he measured me was for my ball gown.

"I'm doing splendid, thank you for asking," I replied. "Do you know why I need a new dress for tomorrow?"

"You don't know?" He asked in surprise.

I shook my head. "Harriet wouldn't tell me."

"I'm afraid no one has told me either."

I sighed disparagingly and jumped when a loud knock sounded at the door.

Mr. Eli ran over to answer it, looked at me apologetically, then stepped outside to talk with whoever had knocked.

I stood where Mr. Eli had left me for a few awkward moments of silence, looking around, trying to distract myself from everything that was going on. Everything that I had just learned.

Then the door opened and Mr. Eli walked in with armloads of the most beautiful material I had ever laid eyes on. He laid all ten different pieces of fabric on the counter behind me. I just stared in awe at the vibrant colors in front of me.

Then I looked over at Mr. Eli and realized he was looking at me expectantly. When I looked at him with a confused look, he chuckled. "They're beautiful, aren't they?"

I could only nod as I looked at the astonishing fabric before me.

"Which one do you want?"

I looked at each color in turn and finally decided to choose the deep midnight blue material, with a silver lining.

"Excellent choice, my dear." He nodded. "It will be ready for you in the morning."

I looked at him happily, he was the fastest and best at his job. "Thank you so much. I know you'll make it look magnificent."

"If that's going to happen then I better start working on it. You go run along now," he said and I thanked him once more before exiting the room and running to go tell my sisters about the material and what they thought I would need it for.

Thank you for reading this far!! That makes me sooooo happy that you have enjoyed it! 

Comment your thoughts and theories for what might happen!! 

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