The Play Equipments Gone?

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After Maths, they all went to the playground for lunch but all the playtime equipment was gone!
"What the- All the playtime equipments gone!" Said Cameron.
"Awwww" Moaned all the children.
"Who could have done this?" Asked Amaya.
"I dont know.." Said Connor. Just then they saw some Luna Moths passing by. "Luna Moths! That means Luna Girl must have done this!" Said Greg.
"We got to find out why she stole those toys. Pj Masks we're on our way!" Connor started.
"Into the night to save the day!" The other two joined in.

"Beep boop." Beeped Pj Robot.
"We need to find out why Luna Girl stole the equipment. To the Cat Car!" Ordered Connor.

After they arrived.

"Stop right there!"
"Oh would you look at that? It's the Pj Pests."
"What do you want with all those toys?" Asked Gekko.
"Easy. Just training a new night time villian."
"What now?" Connor said. Just then they saw someone coming over to Luna Girl. "Meet Lune! My new helper or should I say partner." Lune had purple eyes with a costume that had long black sleeves, black trousers and a white dress like Luna's with the colours switched on the eclipse.

Side Note: Lune is said like a word that ryhmes with June.

"So thats the only reason why?" Greg asked a bit puzzled since he knows she would just steal it and try to escape with it.
"Yep Lizard Legs. Anyways, I better get going." Lune hopped on the Luna Board with Luna Girl already on it and they went off to the Sports Hall with the toys practing stuff like parkour or gymnastics. The Pj Masks looked ar each other and Catboy said, "I don't think she'll give it back."
"Well should we do something? I mean a new villain? That will be Luna's partner?" Said Gekko.
"Lets just leave them for now and maybe go back to HQ." Suggested Owlette.


Luna taught Lune how to do a safe land with a bar while spinning like a ball in the air. Then Luna taught her how to use the Luna Magnet and Luna Board.
"Woah!" Lune almost fell off the hovering board.
"Careful. Just go slow and steady." Little did they know Night Ninja and Romeo were watching them.
"A new Moon-Lover?. Hah. Like that can do any good to Luna." Night Ninja said.
"Maybe we can trick her. We can say we're Luna's friends and fool her to help me to take other the world!" Romeo said.
"Fine. To help us take over the world."
"Or maybe we should trick her to get rid of those annoying wolfies." Night Ninja suggested. Then a Ninjalino said something in Gibberish. "To get rid of Luna Girl? There's no way she'll do that to Luna! They're new partners! What were you thinking?!"

Pj Masks: The New VillainWhere stories live. Discover now