O h n o !

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Side Note: I am not gonna post on this account any other stories when I finish this one, you can go on LubieMelons on Wattpad and see the new stories I post (none are made yet when this is written) Have a nice day.

Lune just stands there while the others are worried on what to do.

The Luna-Bot just disappeared, leaving the Luna Board and Luna Magnet behind.

Lune: .....logic has been ruined..


Lune just shrugged with a =T face. 

Owlette: Calm down Catboy! We need to focus on how to get back to earth first

Gekko: The engines are broken though!

They started worrying a lot, meanwhile Romeo has disappeared probably into another room in the HQ. (I forgot how PJ Masks are leave me alone-). Lune doesnt look worried. Like she already has an idea.

Lune: Just use the Luna Board and the.... moon thing? (Luna Magnet)

Catboy: Great idea, let's go!

Catboy grabbed the Luna Board and Magnet and just dashed to Gekko's room, Gekko following behind.

Owlette: What about Romeo and Lune!-

They were already gone, she just sighed and looked at Lune like "Stay here." and followed them. Lune just sits on the floor like "Ok..".

Some time later..

Lune just sits there, PJ Bot is trying to find Romeo. She looks over at the controls. Maybe if I... she thought. She got up and went other to again said controls. She saw Owlette, Gekko and Catboy trying but miserably trying to use the Luna Magnet and Board. She smirked a bit, then she questioned herself on why she smirked but shrugged it off. She started pressing buttons, trying to find out which one were cameras. If she presses something wrong she quickly presses it again like a TV remote when you change the channel. 

Over to Luna! (her POV)

Luna is just looking around confused. 

Luna: Mooths! 

The moths come over, they quickly realise what the problem is. Lune is gone and so is the Luna Board and Luna Magnet.

Pj Masks: The New VillainWhere stories live. Discover now