Chapter 11

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POV: Anne

"The ledge!!" Polly screamed.
Ledge? As in...THE CLIFF?!

I felt my heart pounding as I looked around. I didn't think that they'd go that far...we'll, I was still in shock, so..
I quickly looked over to where the cliff was, and saw Jax looking down over the ledge.
I ran over
I looked down and saw:

Sprig, hanging for dear life on the side of the ledge.
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I screamed at Jax, pushing him back and kneeling down.
I quickly grab Sprigs arm, just as he loses grip and almost falls.
Crap...he's a lot heavier when I'm smaller than him...

I quickly lift him up, and he collapses on top of me as I get him away from the cliff. We both panted.
  I pointed up towards Jax.
"Leave. Now." I hissed. And then everything went black.


I woke up, and noticed that I was on the couch. I had about, four layers of blankets on me, and the fireplace was lightly going.
I slowly peeled off the blankets.
"Ugh...what time is it?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes I looked around me, and saw a bucket of water, with a cloth in it. I scanned the window, and deduced it was around 3:00-4:00 in the morning.
"I see you are awake." Hop Pop chuckled, walking into the room, "you passed out on us yesterday. You were as cold as a popsicle!"
"I did?...what happened?." I yawned.

Hop Pop told me how the day went yesterday, and my eyes widened with every word.
"Wait, that actually did happen?? Where's Sprig?! Is he okay?!" I sat up quickly, but Hop Pop stopped me.
"He's alright, Anne. He's up in his room." He assured me.
I laid back again, sighing with relief.
Then again, he's the one who caused me to panic in the first place.
"He almost died yesterday, Hop Pop! And for what? To fight that tar head, Jax?? What was he thinking?!!" I cross my arms and look down, frustrated.
Hop Pop sighed and sat down next to me.
"Anne..I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but Sprig likes you." He said, putting more emphasis on the likes.
Likes?? As in...l-o-v-e-s???
I gulped nervously. No! No, Sprig doesn't like me like that.
"No, Sprig was like that every time 'Jax' was even mentioned..." I said softly.
"Yeah, and do you know why?" He chuckled.
I shook my head.
"Anne, it's because Sprig knew that Jax was flirting with you! He was clearly jealous."

. WHAT???!!!

I flipped over the couch, and fell onto the floor. I then scampered back up like a baby deer, and clenched onto the couch. Hop Pop looked at me startled.
"I..I-I'm going to the basement!" I blurted our, running over and down the stairs.
I fall face first into my bed, and shove my face into the pillow.

"No...does he? What am I talking about! Hop Pop and I are bad at making assumptions for who Sprig likes!"
But...wouldn't that mean that I'm wrong for assuming that he doesn't like me?
My brain hurts from trying to process these words...I'm just..going back to bed....

One hour later

     I stayed in my bed with my eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep.
"I think..It would be better, if I just forgot what Hop Pop had said.."I gulped nervously, " Sprig knew I was uncomfortable in that moment, and he wanted to help me! Yeah...."
I roll over onto my side, letting out a sigh.

   I heard a creeping noise, and looked up at the stairs.
"Hop Pop?" I questioned.
   He moved a bit further down the stairs.
"I made breakfast. Would you like me to bring it down here?" He asked.
  I shook my head and sat up.
"No...I'll eat up there."

   I stood all the way up, and walked with him up the stairs. When we got to the table, Polly and Sprig were already there. Sprig looked rough...he was holding a bag of ice on his cheek, he had some scratches and bruises, and his hands were all scraped up from holding onto the ledge...

    I sat in my usual spot, next to Sprig, and looked down at my breakfast.
    Alright you said, forget everything that Hop Pop told you...
"Good morning Anne.."Sprig said lightly, eating his food.
"G-Good morning." I say back, grabbing my fork.
       Damn...this is tougher than I thought...

We all finish up eating, and then Polly started laughing, "Hahaha, you should've seen Jax last night! Sprig did a number on him! And I finished him off!"
Hop Pop also began to chuckle, "the boy ran out of there faster than Bessie when you say the word 'snacks'! We won't be seeing him for a long time!"

       Well, that's good at least...I didn't want to see him again anyways.

"Can I be excused?" Sprig asked softly.

   Hop Pop gave him a questionable look, "Sure, Sprig. You are excused..."
   Sprig then got up, and left the room.
"Excused? Somethings wrong..he knows that he can just leave the table.."
"I'll go check on him." I say, standing up and walking after him.
I entered his room, and saw him laying face first into his pillow.
"Sprig, you Alright?-" I asked, walking in further.

I must've startled him, because as soon as I started talking, he fell off his bed.
"I-I, Uh.." he stumbled back up, disoriented, "y-yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" He said nervously.
I chuckled and sat up on his bed. I patted besides me for him to sit next to me, "Thanks for getting Jax away from me last night..he just couldn't take 'no' for an answer."
We both laughed a little bit.
"Yeah..I didn't even know what happened. I mean, I. H-He was annoying me..and then I just, snapped.." he stuttered.
"Well, just don't do that again, Alright?" I chuckled, and lightly punched his arm, "You terrified me last night.. you're lucky that I got to you in time."


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