• twenty nine •

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"Baby oh my gosh you're awake" I look at her beautiful blue eyes sparkling

"W-What. Who are you?" She blinks a few times

"It's me gray , your boyfriend. Our baby boy is just upstairs I'll go get him" I go to walk out then she speaks again

"What?? I don't have a boyfriend! Or a baby! Get away from me you phsycho!!" My heart falls to my stomach

"B-baby, y/n... it's me. You-you no" tears fill my eyes as her hand pulls away from mine

"Don't touch me!" She yells

"Baby no" tears leave my eyes.

"I'm gonna call a nurse" she grabs the button to call in a nurse  and someone comes straight away

"You called the help button ma'am" I just stood there

"Yes this man is scaring me claiming he's my boyfriend but I've never seen him in my life. Can you please make him leave" she asks and I scream

"What no! I'm her boyfriend!! I'm Grayson Dolan we-we went to school together and she left cause she got pregnant and I swear" more tears put down my face

"I'm sorry sir but I'm going to have to ask you to leave" the nurse points out the door

"No. I'm not leaving my baby" I say firmly

"I'm sorry but now I have to call security" she grabs her phone

"No. Y/n you have to remember me. You cannot forget all that we've been through!" I say then two big men come and grab each of my arms and  pull me away.


I wake up to the sound of little cries. Holy fuck. It was just a dream she's going to wake up. She's going to remember me and hold our new baby boy. I go pick him up and cradle him back to sleep while calming myself down.

"You'll get to meet mummy soon baby boy" I kiss his forehead again

I place him back in his little bed and go downstairs to y/n's room. She's still sleeping. She looks so peaceful it's almost as if I can see her smiling. I go sit beside her bed and hold her hand.

"Baby, I need you to wake up for me please. I need you to wake up and say you remember who I am. I need you to wake up so I can finally see you hold out baby boy. He needs his mumma. I love you y/n" I kiss her hand and look up to see her eyes fluttering open.

"Y/n! You're awake!" I say excitedly

"W-What. Where am I? And who are you?!" She looks at me confused.

Next chap is the last chap. Hope you enjoyed hehe xo

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