Chapter one

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(First part of this chapter shows abuse, read at your own digression)

Y/N coughed up blood, wincing as her flesh and blood grabbed her throat again,

" I'm, I'm sorry dad." You cried feeling numb unable to move, blood rushing down her face from open wounds.

Bruises coated her once clear Y/S/C skin, black and blue tones that couldn't be hidden.


The rough hands punched into your already bruised stomach as you writhed in pain on the floor.
"Don't ever disrespect me again" Your father whispered into your ear yanking you up by your Y/H/L Y/H/C hair. Holding you suspended above the dark half pulled up carpet of your shallow home, mold crept up in the corners of the room, reflecting the dark place inside.

Y/N jumped awake panting in her cell. The walls seemed to enclose you the black abyss almost seemed to drown you.
"Hail Hydra!" a shrill voice brought you back to reality, the early morning wake up call, followed by a sea of replies echoed down the hall.

Instantly you leaped up grasping you training uniform, you didn't want to be late again, you shivered remembering. quickly you put on a black long sleeved shirt and tight black training leggings aren't these people colourful you chuckled to yourself. You quickly pulled her Y/H/L hair into a tight bobble and made your bed before the metal door violently swung open.
"Been here a year, your the most promising trainee Number 8651." a low groan excelled from the tall bulky man checking around you entire room that consisted of a old rickety bed coated with a thin blanket attached to the solid metal box I have to call walls,  not forgetting a small desk in the corner. Everything was metal. It was like living in a storage container. You thought to yourself ignoring the judgemental looks from the guard.

Five of you stood In front of the training boss, the same way we do every day. You were the elite candidates for the E.A.P, Elite Adoption Program, all of you had been taken from unfit parents, who could have done a number of things to hurt all of you.  I arrived with three others Autumn, Jake and Thomas.

All of them are now dead.

They died early in the program, from the ridiculous torture, sorry training  you endured. You however survived, Yippee eh? No-one knows how, you just healed faster.
'Number 8651! Pay attention!' a loud shout echoed towards you as a fellow elite rolled around in severe pain from failing to fight against 'A' you have no idea what there names actually are. I suppose it's better than being at home, as long as you don't loose anyway.
Y/N shivered with fear at that thought, getting ready for you turn.
Whilst Number 7653 was being dragged away you took his place on the hard, blood stained floor, ducking under ferocious hits you lurched at his stomach, the surprising action nocked him off his feet, his back crashing against the hard concrete flooring of the basement. His arms wrapped around you switching positions smashing your head to the floor instead. The muscular man punched you repeatedly. There was no such think as 'tapping out' in this training session. His face got closer to yours about to speak something obnoxious when...

You caught him off guard smacking your head against his causing him to flip back in pain, your eyes blinking open with a dazed expression surely given yourself concussion but you had no time to think, punching him back having no mercy. Till he was bleeding on the floor... Not moving...

"Congratulations Number 8651, it's time for you to move up to the next stage."

To Freedom (Spiderman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now