Chapter two

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You stood. Y/H/L Y/H/C hair hung loosely from a ponytail, black leather armour attached tightly to your thin frame, bruises already started to coat across your entire body, cuts lacing your face from defeating 'A'. With weapons already buckled and chained to your sore limbs.

"Well Number 8651. This is your team." strong hands pushed you down by your shoulders, ensuring you know there is no room for argument. Collapsing on to the chair you breathed heavily staring at a holographic screen.

"Have you heard of The Winter Soldier? Oh yes of course you have. You went through it too, well your fault of course, don't want to loose our best to feelings do we?' an evil chuckle echoed past you ears as your frail mind flickered back.

Immense pain seared throughout your body as the brainwashing started, electric jolts striking into every part of you, to make you forget, to make you theirs. Glancing over to the man next to you, a metal arm glistening, clearly causing  him more pain as the electricity ran through it, You didn't have time to contemplate or try and soothe his pain before you were screeching again.

I work for Hydra.
I work for Hydra.
I work for freaking Hydra!

Pushing the thoughts back you re-focused on the screen, One man, brutally murdering hundreds, he has an incredible technique to be fair, and good form. but wasn't him though was it? he had no control, you felt bad really. Especially as you were aware, and can control yourself, even if he is impressive. its tragic he has no choice, I guess even if your not brainwashed you don't have a choice though, you thought to yourself.

A hand stroked it's way around your throat, fingers laced delicately around your neck, surprising such a fragile thing could easily bring a sudden death.
Don't react. Don't react. Don't react.
The hand released causing you to excel a heavy breath you didn't even know you were holding, glancing back up another name you recognized appeared on the screen, Jack Rollins. He nearly tore down S.H.I.E.L.D single handedly and even managed to get to Captain America. Now he is impressive.
The last name was Marcus Scarlotti, Oh god, he lead an assassination attempt against Hawkeye You think his name is Clint Barton? You can't be sure, but bear in mind it was failed. So he can't be that great but he is well known for the close attempt.

"Got it Number 8651." he growls beside me, "Well from now on, you will just be referred to as Elite."
Your breath began to become shaky as the three worst super soldiers for Hydra entered the room, you knew you were trained for this and hey may even be able to fight them and win, but. sitting next to them, that's surreal. 
"Elite meet, the best of the best." A muscular arm motioned to the three fiercest murders known to mankind... Sitting at a table... With you.

"She is just a kid. Is she ready for this boss?" Marcus spoke, his horce voice cut sharp through the silent air.
"She is the best, she is ready for this. Right Elite?"
You shakily nodded my head disguising your hidden fear.
Why do you care, your evil, your with Hydra. Why do you know this is wrong. you were brainwashed, You've been there for years! What is it? What do you feel. Remorse? Regret? Fear?

"I want you four... To kill the Avengers."

To Freedom (Spiderman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now