That Day

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It was like any other day in the forest village, the sun was shining and everyone was laughing but outside their village boarded was a free spirited, young and beautiful elf known as Riniya Yeslar.

The young elf often went outside her village to enjoy the silence and connect to her surroundings, the forest was her home and she had to appreciate it like she was taught.

The girl sat on a small tree stump and took in the fresh air. She took her flute and gracefully started to play that familiar tune. 'Forest Elf Lullaby', a song she heard from birth.

As she played the lively tune, something didn't feel right. The air got heavy and she could feel the ground rumble gently. Riniya stopped playing and looked around, she didn't see anything. "Calm down Riniya, it's probably nothing." She took a deep breath but before she could continue to play, she saw smoke clouds in the distance.

The elf gasped and quickly started to run in the direction of her village, it was an upcoming raid. The girl blew her flute loudly as she got closer, distorted flutes never meant anything good.

Once she got the village, she was tired but a crowd had gathered from the sound.

"Everyone! They're coming!" She said through her panting.

"Who's coming?" One elf spoke up as the others clamored.

"The fire elves! We have to alert the guards!" No one seemed to be panicked, did they not believe her?! "Listen to me and-" A arrow on fire barely missed her head and landed in the ground next to her, the crowd all went quiet. "Run!" The girl shouted and everyone quickly went to get the guards or ran away.

Riniya went to the nearest tree and quickly climbed up, she jumped from tree to tree before getting to her house and quickly getting in. "Mom!"

"Riniya?" Her mom turned around to look at her.

"We have to go." The red head grabbed a bag and started to pack some of the more important family items.

"Go where? What's the rush?" Riniya's mom quickly stood up and went to her daughter's side.

"..To the water village, we don't have time for questions!" Riniya was scared but couldn't tell her mom what was really happening, her mom would panic and that's not what she needed.

"Okay.. I'll go get your father." Riniya's mom started to walk away but she smelled burning.

The girl looked around before looking up, the ceiling was on fire and close to collapsing. "Mom! Watch out!" Riniya quickly tackled her through the window, she flipped them around and broke her mother's fall.

She could see the house on fire and it hurt. Was it knowing her father was dying? Or was it from the fall? ..It didn't matter.

"Gerle!" Her mother cried and stood up quickly, she tried to climb up but Riniya pulled her down.

"Mom, i-it hurts but we have to get going!"

"No! If I'm going to die I wan-"

"You're not going to die!" Riniya shouted then noticed the approaching fire elves, they would surely be killed if they went together. The girl quickly took off her bag and gave it to her mom.


"You're going to go to the castle."

"You have to come with me!"

Riniya grabbed her mom's shoulders and let our a shaky sighed. "I have to distract them but.. if you survive, then I survive. Okay?"

Her mom started to cry but knew she wouldn't be able to change Riniya's mind. "Okay.."

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