please don't

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I can't remember a time when I was happy. I can't remember a time when my thoughts didn't sound like a fourteen year old emo kids tumblr posts. I can't remember a time when my family were kind to me. I can't remember a time when I had genuine friends.

If I die tomorrow, no one would miss me. No one would care. No one would show up to my funeral. The person who kills me will be celebrated.

No child should have to be feared by everyone they meet. No child should be forced to play by themselves even if they do have a sister or brother. No child should be beaten up by other children while every single teacher turns a blind eye. No child should be repremanded for telling the truth about whats happening to them. No child should have to live like I did.

No person should be shunned by any and all potential friends because of what happened in the past.

No person should have dehumanizing things said about them or done to them. I myself have been dehumanized to the point where people I had spent my childhood with isolate me and are surprised when I'm kind to them.

Do you know how it feels?

"You're lucky."

I'll tell you whos lucky. People with happy childhoods and supportive parents.

"Do you have any idea how lucky you are to be able to _______?"

Do you have any idea how lucky you are to know nothing of whats its like to not be able to _______, do you have any idea how lucky you are to have a relatively normal life with a happy family and a decent job and a college education?

"Awww, you poor thing..."

I'm aware that I seem like a tragic crybaby. I don't need your pity. I don't need you to acknowledge that I have suffered my entire life.

I just need someone who will listen.

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