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Nasma call Infinite after she make a dinner and at the same time, Sonic came back home. He looks very tired a bit.

Nasma: You okay, Sonic?

Sonic: I'm fine... Where's Infinite?

Nasma: He still locked himself in his room... Can you call him? I have make a dinner.

Sonic: Sure...

Sonic went to Infinite's room and knock the door. No response. Sonic knock the door again and no reponse. He thinking where the key to this door and finally he went to the closet and saw a key. He use the key to open Infinite's room. Sonic walk inside.

Sonic: I'm sorry for what I've done, Infy...

Infinite: Don't call me Infy and why did you came back here?

Sonic: Well, this is our hostel. That's why I came back. Listen, I want you to forget about what Shadow just said to you. It's not really true...

Infinite: Then, what about you said you like him?

Sonic: I like him as a friend, a rival...but you... I like you as a lover and I love you! I won't forget the day we're together with your sister at highschool...

Infinite: and you really mean it?

Sonic: Yes, Infy... I mean it...

Nasma: Boys... It's dinner time!

Sonic: Coming!!! *grab Infinite's hand*

Infinite: *pull back his hand*

Sonic: What's wrong?

Infinite: I don't feel like eating dinner...

Sonic: but, I know you're hungry... You didn't even eat at the restaurant...

Infinite: How about you?

Sonic: I'm hungry too... *chuckled*

Sonic grab Infinite's hand and they went to the kitchen. Nasma look at both of them as they enjoyed their dinner.

Nasma: Okay, boys... Let's talk about with both of you...

Sonic: It was Shadow's fault he's-

Infinite: He's taking Sonic from me and-

Sonic: and Shadow make a story about me fall in love with him-

Infinite: I heard their conversation-

Sonic & Infinite: at the restaurant!!!

Sonic: I said to Infinite that it wasn't even true and-

Nasma: 😑 *sighed* Will you please talk slowly and one by one? Okay let me get this straight... Shadow make a story about Sonic fall in love with him and Infinite, you went to the restaurant and at the same time you saw them together. You decide to hear their conversation and I know you destroyed everything at the restaurant...

Infinite: I didn't even destroy everything in that restaurant. Just throw some tables and chairs.

Nasma: I really remember that Shadow told me about...Sonic fall in love with him a week ago...

Sonic: Yes! That's what he's saying but it's not true!! I just said I like him as a friend and not as a lover!

Nasma: This is getting complicated!!! Why both of you always make a problem!

Sonic & Infinite: Not me! It was Shadow!!!

Nasma: So, Shadow did this problem to both of you well, okay... I'll talk to him tomorrow...

Sonic: Tomorrow, we don't have a class because tomorrow is... Saturday

Infinite: Yeah...

Nasma: Well, I just talk with Shadow at his hostel. I already saved his phone number.

Sonic: Okay, good luck for that... Hope Shadow would understand.

*The very next day... At Shadow's hostel*

Shadow: Please make yourself at home...

Nasma: Uh, Thanks... And only you here?

Shadow: Well, yeah. So, what do you want princess?

Nasma: I want to talk about Sonic and Infinite! Don't you see that you make them didn't trust each other anymore?

Shadow: *laugh* Well, that's great. If Infinite mad at Sonic and didn't trust him, I'm sure Sonic will go to me...

Nasma: I don't think so because, I already talk to them about that and they finally understand each other...

Shadow: Someday... I will make them confused again and Sonic will be mine...

Nasma: Just tell me why you love Sonic so much?

Shadow: Well, don't you see that he's cute, cool and...

Nasma: and...?

Shadow: and he's perfect. He didn't deserve to be with that jackal!! He's a hedgehog not a jackal!!!

Nasma: This is the weirdest thing I've ever heard from you.

Shadow: Well, it's none of your business! You're human what do you even know about this love relationship!

Nasma: Because...human and animals are the same? Well, of course not... But, I know about this love thing and romantic things.

Shadow: Anyway, I won't give Sonic to Infinite!!!

Nasma: And you will do that? Infinite will kill you before you kill him.

Shadow: Then I have to kill you first and no one could stop me from getting Sonic from me!!

Nasma: *gasp*


Infinite: *walk around the park, alone* Sonic... Even though he said that, doesn't mean he meant it right?

The jackal walked around the park and soon, he saw something shining on the tall grass. He picked it up and it was a Phantom Ruby. He suddenly heard someone's speaking in his mind and make him insane.

Love For You [Soninfinite]Where stories live. Discover now