Chapter 2

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            I woke up in a dark blue room. Layers of soft Egyptian cotton sheets were covering my slightly warm body. A grand chandelier filled my sight as I lazily opened my eyes, it's blinding light shook me up and pulled me out of my half awaken dreams.

Where am I ? What am I doing here? And how did I get here? I tried to pull my feverish body out of the way too comfortable bed when a killer headache shot through my brain. Suddenly memories of the accident slowly came back to me. 

I couldn't remember it all. The last thing I remember seeing was the sight of the black car racing toward me. And the last thing I remember feeling was strong arms picking my lifeless body from the ground. Who was that man? And where on earth did he take me?

I finally managed to stand on my feet. I was still dizzy and a bit nauseous, every single bone in my body ached. I barely managed to walk around the room, while relying my weight on a piece of furniture every once in a while. There was something melancholic about the room. It was painted in a very strange shade of midnight blue. While countless old fashioned clocks were hanged on the walls.

The clocks bewildered me. Obviously they were very expensive pieces of antique, but that wasn't it! The way they shined under the fractured moonlight coming out of the large window on the left; it made them seem like a piece from a completely different time.

"How do you feel now? " 

The cold manly voice took me by surprise until I practically jumped. I turned around to face the man behind the voice.

In life, there are some moments that once they happen, you realize your life will never be the same again. Something inside you soul awakens, something you can never smother again. And the moment I saw this man's face I knew, this moment, would be one of those moments.

I found myself in front of a tall man, the first thing that has stricken me was his height. He was surprisingly tall and incredibly handsome. He had those eyes that strike you right in the depths of your soul. A shade of blue I didn't even know existed, or was it green? What kind of color was it? What kind of man was he? The kind of man that makes you shiver by the simple act of his presence.

"Are you alright now?"  He spoke again and I could've answered any kind of answer, I could have said anything, but instead I said:

"Why didn't you take me to the hospital?" I practically shouted at him, the high pitch of my voice hurt  even me and I felt like I would loose my own balance of the ground in a  second.

He rushed toward me and covered my waist with his arm. His eyebrows were frowned and his eyes showed a very perplex look. It wasn't until I spent what couldv'e been more than five seconds staring right into his gaze, that I felt his strong arm lifting my waist. I quickly pushed his arm away and stood on my feet. While my head was still hurting.

"Please don't get me wrong, I called an ambulance but they said it would take them long to get there, since the roads were closed by the festival. Since my house was near by I figured my own physician would take a look on you meanwhile."

What he said made sense, the festival of music is held annually in our town and in the last day the roads are usually blocked by traffic. But I couldn't help but feel strange about the whole situation.

"What did he say? why is my head still hurting?" for some unknown reason, I was still shouting at him.

He walked slowly toward me and examined my upper forehead. Then he switched his powerful gaze toward my eyes and spoke very slowly until I felt his voice run with my blood and embrace my bones:

"You're all right, you weren't physically hurt, it was the chock that made you loose conscience."

I stared perplexedly at him, I wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come out of my lips

"You're still dizzy because of the shock too, if you like I would accompany you to a hospital now."  He said " Just so you feel more sure" He added.

"I will do that on my own, no need for you to accompany me" I don't know why but I kept feeling the need to defy him, with my talk, my looks and even my posture. My main preoccupation was for him not to sense how intimidated he made me.

"Now I would like to go please, what time is it anyway?" 

He answered me with a smirk, His face lighted with a perfect half smile that irritated and mesmerized at the same time.  I had just asked what time is it in a room full of clocks.

"I forgot you had all these in here, What are they for anyway?" I said in a voice clearly covering my embarrassment.

He readjusted his tie, clearly amused by my behaviour around him. He stood and said after a long silence that was louder than any sound I've ever heard:

"Max will drive you anywhere you'd like."

He walked me all the way to the main gate. His driver was already waiting there in the same long black car that crashed into me just a couple of hours earlier. I didn't know why but I turned around to face him before I got into the car, and before I said a single word, He pushed his card toward me:

" This card has where you can contact me. I will fully take responsibility for the accident. And I will gladly pay for any damage." He said in the most professional tone. I took his card even though i was irritated by his words

" Don't worry about it, I still would have preferred if you called me a cab."

"It's the least that I can do" He said then smiled a smile as professional as his tone and walked away. For some unknown reason I stayed there watching his shadow disappear in the dimness of the night.

 It wasn't until I was halfway home that I remembered something: He hadn't apologized! The word sorry didn't come out of his mouth ever since he walked in me up until he walked away from me. I quickly pushed the idea away as I watched the trees racing through the back seat window of his car. Because I realized I had just met a man who is not only is unwilling to apologize but obviously doesn't know how. I didn't know how or why, but I had a feeling this particular detail would turn my life upside down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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