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This is going to be the last part of the "Brave Medic" thing, most likely. Sorry I haven't updated, I have no ideas! I'm stealing this from the same article I stole the last one. Sorry if I get anything about the helicopter wrong. I'm not a mechanic.
WARNING: Gross burn therapy and suicide insults.

"There's something wrong!"

Will glanced up from the patient's heart monitor, barely able to hear the co-pilot over the steady thud of the helicopter blades.

He had volunteered to help transport a patient to another, more advanced hospital miles away. The hospital here simply didn't have the necessary equipment for what was needed. At first, he had been confident that the transport would go smoothly-- but seeing the pilot and co-pilot exchange worried looks made nervousness clench in his gut.

"What's wrong?" he asked, raising his voice to be heard over the noise. There was no answer. He looked over at one of the fellow doctors, who shrugged, her eyes showing the fear she was trying to hide.

Suddenly, there was an awful screeching sound. Will clapped his hands over his ears. The helicopter shuddered, and he stumbled, nearly falling.

"What's happening?" the other doctor yelled.

"We're going down!" shouted the co-pilot. "Brace for impact!"

The blades slowed, then stopped completely.

The helicopter plummeted.


Will only remembered what happened next in flashes.

Clinging to the patient's gurney, teeth clenched so hard they ached as black terror roared through him, obliterating all thought and logic.

Looking out the window to see the ground race up to meet them.

A crystal-clear thought echoing in his head: Austin, Kayla, I love you.

Then the thud of impact and screech of metal and bursts of fire and screams and knowing for certain he was about to die.

Darkness crashed over him like a wave, threatening to pull him down into oblivion. He fought against it, breaking the surface.

He came to, lying on his back. He sat up and looked around. The pilot's leg was twisted at an unnatural angle, the co-pilot's arm was hanging off, and the other doctors were unconscious. The helicopter was on fire, flame and smoke blinding him. He staggered to his feet.

He had to get the others out of here. Now.

Stumbling over to the pilot, Will grabbed him and dragged him to the shelter of a fallen tree about twenty yards away. Not the safest place, but he had no choice. For a moment he paused, a breeze kissing his fevered skin, choking down lungfuls of fresh air.

He had to get the others.

Solace dove back into the flaming wreckage, seized the co-pilot, and dragged her until she was safe as well. Adrenaline coursed through him, strengthening him until he felt as though he was made of steel. He went back for the two other doctors, the patient. Only when they were safe did he pause.

He was shaking from shock. He glanced down at his hands and noticed how black they were. Thinking it was ash, Will tried to scratch it away, only to see white. The black stuff wasn't ash-- it was his skin.

Huh, he thought, then collapsed.


Will Solace awoke to find himself staring at the ceiling of a hospital room. He went to sit up, only for a gentle hand to push him back down.

WILL SOLACE ONE-SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now