habit, with his leg stuck in a chair:
now, you may be asking, "how did you do this to yourself,
habit, trying to get unstuck: well kids, habit has no fucking clue either.patrick, jokingly: and remember, you're not allowed to fall in love with me.
habit: won't be a problem.
habit, two days later in the middle of the night: THERE'S A PROBLEM!--galaxywolf1233: hey, so um .. I was checking your browsing history yesterday and--
habit, freaking out: m..Mom I..I can explain--
galaxywolf1233: it's just pages and pages of pabit...
habit: ahhhhhnnnnnnggggggggg...patrick: if I cut my leg off--
patrick: and swing it at your head,
patrick: am I hitting you or kicking you?
habit: you'd probably mentally scar me more then anything.patrick: [kisses habits cheek]
habit: what the fuck was that?
patrick: affection.
habit: disgusting.
patrick: [frowns and looks down in shame]
habit: [looks over at pat feeling guilty]
habit: d..do it again please...!
patrick: [looks up with a smile hugs habit]
habit: [gasps but hugs back](The end love you guys)
habit x Patrick
Humorthis is just some Slenderverse shit if you don't like smut don't read this keep that innocence you'll need it but I've been through some stuff so I'm used to it but enjoy