Chapter 1 - the beginning

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Kamaria P.O.V
The stars painted the sky. It was silent with no sign of life. Against the greens of the forest nothing . Then two small flecks of gold appear . A black slim figure is prowling through her forest . The panther was beautiful and strong . A force no one battled.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Shooting up and banging that stupid thing so it will shut up I pull the covers off and go to take a shower before school. It was too early for this . What did I have to get up for at 5:00 am to learn at 6 that I couldn't learn at noon. Oh well. Getting into my school clothes and brushing my teeth I take one last look at myself before heading to the dining room for breakfast.
" morning Kamaria." dad said. Sekai purrs in greeting from somewhere under the table. " hello". I look at the table and it's ....bare of food. I glare at the man in front of me. " where's the food"? He grins and the gold caps in his mouth reflect off the dining room light . I want caps like that. " Erik N'Jadaka Killmonger Stevens." I say with such a serious voice and face that he laughs! " food is coming now sit down." I chuckle and sit down. We talk about all the boring politics and things he has to do today. " don't forget you have training today." I had training with the Dora Milaje every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "awesome". I say as Sekai moves to put her furry black head in my lap. Her dark green eyes look into mine and ask the same question i was asking.. why wasn't I  eating ? " your mother put you in training as punishment not for you to enjoy it." He sighs. " well that was the best punishment I could have revived". I said
* flashback *
3 year old me runs quickly and quietly through the room of greens and purple. This was where we stored the heart shaped herb . The new ones of course. The old ones had been set aflame by my father a Little bit before I was born. My mission was to find this herb and eat it. After maybe 5 minutes of searching I find one ready of harvesting . I slowly pick it up . It was a beautiful light purple color that glowed. Slowly I put it in my mouth and swallowed.
Pain shot though my body at high speeds ! Uncle Challa had said drinking it hurt but eating it had not been heard of . It felt like bast herself was trying to kill me! This continued on and then it just stopped. Unfortunately after I thought it was over i got hit in the face with everything. I could smell more , hear more,see more and everything felt different. Darkness ,it overwhelmed me. Looking around I saw two bright blue orbs and I was looking straight into the face of bast! " am I dead"? She smiled I could see panthers resting on trees behind her . Little ones playing through the grass.she laughed a little. " no child . You have been given these abilities for a purpose . Don't ever let anyone take them. Use your abilities wisely." she says. " I will" . I vowed.
* end flashback *
Since then I was put through intense Dora Milaje training. I quickly became skilled with various weapons and my mother had thought me several things such as dodge and catch bullets.
Finally the food was brought out pancakes, bacon , eggs,  waffles with coffee. " you got any test today"? I looked at the man known as my father and said " I don't wish to talk about school while eating". He glares but laughs " answer the question". He demands. " 1 world history, 1 math and AP chemistry". I reluctantly say. Looking at the time I gotta go. " bye dad . Love you." I say as I give Sekai the rest of my leftovers witch she quickly bows her head down to eat . " love you too". He says as I run out the room backpack half on making my way to the garage .  When I get there I head straight to my hover motor cycle and jump on . The scanner scans my Kimoyo Beads. " scan complete" . I smirk  "well .... ndise Esikolweni". With that the garage opens and I'm off to school.
My school is a school specifically for smart kids of elders and leaders . Some got in because of their smarts others because their parents payed their way in. Parking the bike I run into the school. Heading to my locker I see Imani and Jamal waiting for me .

"Hey love." Jamal says as he saw me approach him and Imani . " hey guys". I say as we do our handshake that ends with the wakanda forever sign . " so is anyone else nervous about the math test today or just me?" Imani asks . Jamal laughs " your gonna be fine sis." He says and I agree. " your smart you've got this". I add. " well if I fail mom will have my head, she isn't general of the Dora Milaje for nothing". Then she starts rambling. "Imani,Calm down". I say . " your going to pass it's going to be easy ok ? The only three things you've done this week are train , study and eat." Jamal nods in agreement. "Alright" Imani says. Suddenly the bell rings. " well let's go before we're late ." Walking into world history class we take our seats as the teacher begins to speak. " class today we will begin our project on bloodlines. For this project you all will create a family tree of your parents , grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles. You will have to present your family tree to the class , tell us their occupation and your favorite thing about them. This project is do Friday . So get started". Well this should be interesting. " also class you will have to make a poster with all of your family members on it". I thought this school was supposed to be a challenge.
There we have it! Read and review and comment!

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