Ch.2 Sleep on the Floor

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Sorry for the long wait, I was on a family trip in Malaysia. Anyhow, let's get right into it!

Listen to the song while reading this

Luckily for me, the boys I wanted to talk to were still in the building. It seemed they had an agreement with the police and didn't need to be interrogated, I wondered why.  As I walked closer to them I wished my dress' hem was fixed, that my heels were a bit higher, really anything that would make me seem more composed. To distract from how unprepared I felt. I was driven to them by passion, not reason which I was not used to.

They were talking to each other while walking, slowly, towards the exit. I stopped directly in front of them. "Uh, Hi."

"I'm sorry but we have to get going," said the one with the grin. 

"Wait! I have a proposition of sorts. Just hear me out."

They glance among themselves before Mr.Gray Eyes nods before telling me to make it quick.

" So you train me and-" 

"Woah there! Do you know what you're saying? Do you even know who we are?" The gentle one exclaims.

"Well, not exactly. But I do have things that I'm sure you need." I slowly gathered what little confidence I had at the moment and looked around at their slightly intrigued faces. My confidence fed on those pauses that gave me time to breathe and continue. I wanted something and if I tried hard enough I would get it.

" What is that?" Questions Mr. Lazy

" Money for one and connections. Good connections." 

"And why should we believe you? Anyone in this school could say the same thing,  what makes you different?"

"My mom's the founder and CEO of Wanderlust. I'm sure you know what that means. I can get you pretty much anywhere you want to go.  Need an invitation to a special event? I can get them easily." By now I've built a sturdy tower of confidence so I can speak as if I know what I'm doing.

" I think we all understand but, dear, you don't even know what it is we do. Why do you want us to train you? With your money, you could get anyone, " Mr. Gentle asks slowly.

I had to think about this myself.  Was it because no one could train me to do what they did other than them? Or was it because I wanted to help people the way they helped me? I wasn't really sure. "I don't really know. But I do know that I really want you guys to train me and I'll do almost anything if it means you will!"

You can probably guess who grins, "Almost anything? I don't know, you don't seem as passionate as you say you are." 

Mr. Gentle punches him in the side before smiling at me. He then looks at the rest of his group, "Didn't we say the only thing we were missing are connections? Plus you know what they say about groups of five." I smile hopefully and wait for their response.

"Boss?" They all turned to Mr.Gray Eyes. And achingly slowly he made his decision.  First, he closed his eyes making what's probably a few seconds seem like hours. Then, he opens his eyes to glare at me and finally nods.

"That's a yes right?! Oh, I can't wait!"

Mr.Grin simply said, " Right then, while we plan your training regimen you go tell your dad you're going on a school therapy trip. We'll collect you in a bit."Before I have time to ask questions he pushes me away and when I turn back around the whole group is nowhere to be seen. They'll have to teach me that one day, I think. 

Around this time I'm also thinking that my dad will never let me go on this "school therapy trip". And even if he does my mom will kill him and then say I can't go. I do ask though. I tell him that it is a trip focusing on martial arts so we can better defend ourselves. He agreed in excitement, "Of course, darling! As long as that makes you feel safe! But you might want to ask your mom just to be sure." And so I did.

I walked to her office which was a ways from my dad's office so it calmed my nerves a bit. At that point, I knew she was going to say no and I had no idea of how I'd convince her otherwise. She would never fall for "But all my friends get to go!"

I knock twice on the door and wait for her to answer. "Come in," she said sharply but when she sees that it's me her tone immediately softens, "What's wrong?"

"Can I go on a school trip? It focuses on teaching us how to defend ourselves. It'd make me feel way safer then I do now." 

My mother frowns and then sighs, " I'll get you a personal trainer if that's what you want."

"No, I-I want-" I fumble through a reply before she cuts me off.

"We talked about stuttering. You always have to exude confidence and stuttering doesn't help. Tell me what you want."

"I want to go!"

"I don't trust your school to keep you safe. Anything could happen and you'll be even farther away for me to do anything about it. You aren't going." I could practically hear her say 'And that's final'. 

And so I had to use the line I was sure wouldn't work. "But all my friends get to go!" I yell rather pathetically. I'm fully ready for her to scold me and say 'Comments like that should never be said because they don't exude confidence' or something.

Instead, she sighs and stands from her chair and smiles, "Fine, Have a fun time with your friends. Now, off with you, I have work I need to complete."

 And with that, I'm out of the room with an ecstatic smile on my face. I practically danced back to my room as I say mental goodbyes to the hallways of my mansion. I slowly came to the realization I had no idea how long I'd be gone and my parents didn't either. Why would they let me go without that knowledge?

I finally arrived at my room and saw someone new. She smiles and says, "I'm your new bodyguard and  I'll be coming with you on your trip."

My thoughts were pretty simple, Oh no.

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