Medic (Bruhl-ing Adventures)

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       Medic, mind is ever so thirsty of  knowledge, laughed maniacally and began investigating everything his eyes lands on.

     The birds, rocks, soil, fish, air and the list went on.

     Poking, listing,  some  in questionable way of gathering information , but proceeds in doing so, caring not for the world.

    The doctor continues his quest for knowledge, slowly walking in the path of hardened dirt mindful of everything from the speck of dust to the windmills to the north.

    Venturing in silence,  he hears a guzzling sound growing ever so loud. He searched and found the source of sound.

     Heading towards him, slowly and evenly are five people, walking alongside a wagon made of metal.

     "Ho!" the doctor exclaimed, "A truck with a glowing radiator! How do they do that?" he questioned. The truck going ever so near, he slowly goes up to them and proceeds to ask.

     "Hello?" he greeted, "I was wondering what is the power that your vehicle is using?" . The driver then stopped as an elderly man with a bowler hat  replied, "It runs on ragnite, never heard of it?". The doctor then said " Ragnite" ignoring the elder man's question then proceeds to write his discoveries on the notepad he always carry.

     Then he was interrupted when a little girl sheepishly asked" What do you do mister?"  

     The doctor looked at her and knelt down "Well i am a doctor and i can heal Everything", emphasizing the last word, scaring the girl who ran hiding behind the elderly woman, he then asked"Was it something i said?".

     The elderly woman proceeds to calm the girl and replied "No deary, the way you said it scared her". Then doctor replied "Was it? Hmm.. i really do need to start practicing on how I converse" he whispered to himself.

    Medic then stood to his full height then said," Is there a town near here? I was just following the road". Then the old man replied "Don't go to our town. We are evacuating.  The imperials are coming  and we are headed to the main capital for our safety" he finished solemnly. 

    The doctor was no stranger to war, he was on it day in and day out.  He looked upon the group, sadness plastered from their faces, which the doctor ignored completely.

     He then laid his eyes on the elderly woman, hair white as snow, skin ragged of age, " War is happening which means, there is a lot of specimens to experiment on. " he thought happily.

     The doctor jumped in satisfaction, ignoring the stares he was receiving.

     Finishing his joyous celebratory jump then replied " That's horrible, oh well i am going in anyways" ignoring the old man's warning much to their dismay.

     Before they could question the insane man, he then proceed to pull out a weapon out of thin air frightening the group along with the driver.

     Medic's medigun, the gun of health, an invention to save lives and not to take them, he then aimed it directly to the elderly woman. It fired with a stream of energy, healing her from the sickness of time as bright flash blinded their view. 

      The light dims, eyes regaining their sights, fearing the worst as their eyes clear form the blinding light and what they saw shocked them to their core.

     A young woman stood in her in place as the elderly was nowhere to be seen.

      The doctor pulled a mirror and gave it to the young woman. The woman slowly reached for the mirror scared of what has befallen to her as she laid her eyes upon it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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