Ventus x Unversed male child reader + surprise

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Requested by NerdKat2005

(U/n)- unversed name, make a new one up!
(M/n)- male name later given.

Wait for a twist towards the end~ it was NOT requested

Down deep in a darkened little cottage, away from all worlds. A small cloaked figure coughs into there small cloaked elbow and looks out the window, longingily.

Suddenly the cottage's front door opens and reveals the familiar helmet and figure of Vanitas. "(U/n).. son." He murmurs. Taking off his helmet. Smiling gently at the cloaked figure.

The figure tenderly slips the hood of the cloak off. Revealing a gold-eyed ravenette male child with slight spiked hair. His skin pale from both his growing sickness and his natural complexions. "Welcome home." He whispers softly, smiling. But starts coughing again. Making Vanitas frown.

"(U/n).. Get away from the window. I'll fetch your medicine." He uttered emotionlessly.

"Vani-papa.. when can I go outside?.." The child asked timidly.

Vanitas ignored his question to get his medicine. In doing so, the young sick unversed boy looked back out the window. Wanting to feeo the blowing breeze that gently shook the trees.


The child whipped his head around to face his Unversed Lord/ father/creator. "Why?" He asked. "Is it because I'm si-

"You don't want Ventus, Aqua, and Terra to kill you. Right? They'll sense you, hunt you down till they corner you. If they're merciful. They will enslave you until you drop. Maybe.." he gave the child his medicine and looked at him coldly.

(U/n) took his medicine and sipped his cup of water gingerly."B-but.. I'll j-just *cough*cough* just stay right on the p-porch-

"What if they take you away from me!? What if they kill me and leave you all alone, suffering! Dieing from how weak and vulnerable you are?!" He hollered, his face distorting into anger.

"L-lord Vanitas-

"Must I remind you of how many of your fellow unversed brothers and sisters. Armies and teammates, that have been slain by them!?" He grabs the boy's shoulders and lightly shook him as fear painted clearly on the young child's features.

"I.. I-i-

"Do you want to die?!"

"N-no" he coughs again. Tears rolling down his pale cheeks." I-i'm s-sorry.."

Vanitas frowns and sighs. Brushing his tears away with his gloved thumb. "Then stay.. Here.. With me.~ Where you are safe. Away from the unversed killing madmen and mad women who threaten to separate us my sweet boy." Vanitas cooed. Kissing (U/n)'s nose and forehead.

"After all. It's not just Ventus, Aqua, and Terra. It's everyone beyond this haven I give you. Their greed, their sick twisted needs, and vile intentions." Vanitas pulled his young son/unversed into his embrace and stroked his head soothingly.

"Humans are horrible creatures.. When you get better. We will bring them all down." Vanitas grinned at his own words and tucked the boy into his bed.

"Rest now.."

With that Vanitas left. Leaving the boy filled with fear, wanting his father's/ Lord's gentle touch to sooth him again.

So when he heard his closet door squeak open, like it usually does since it's old, he got scared and sobbed quietly. Thinking it was Ventus or any of the others trying to kill him"V-vani-papa! They're gonna kill me!"

Kingdom Hearts x Teen/Child/Baby Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now