.....Get Her Back....

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I woke up where I left off. Jeongyeon was sitting on my edge of the bed drinking a glass of water.

She looked at me and smiled. "Morning"

"Morning" I sat up. She offered her glass to me.
I took a long sip.

"Your friends called, I told them you were fine. Don't worry I didn't tell them anything. Momo scolded me about it. I'm sorry I kissed you...but seriously I don't know if she's good for you that was a true thought of mine."

"I'll have to find out, thanks for letting me stay here. I was surprised you said you liked me. I mean we haven't really talked that much"

Her hand went to my cheek. "I know but maybe we can now....wait this is stupid. You have a ring on your....where is it?"

"I took it off and hid it away, I'm not ready yet. I need to hear her full story." I pointed to the dresser. "It's in there...if I want it back I'll just call you"

"Ok I can do that. so breakfast?" I nodded. She stood up but held out her arms. I fell into them and was taken to the table.

"Are you going to clean this?" She nodded and removed the glass shards from the table.

"All I have is leftovers from me and Nayeons meal" a container of Mac and cheese was put onto the table.

"That's ok. It looks good"

She sat down across from me and ate her food quietly. A loud bang at the door made her head turn.

"I think she's been here all night"

"Sana! Please get the fuck out of there, that shit was in the past you know how I am with my past" I walked over and went to the door.

"You'd never tell me about it! Why did Jeongyeon have to do it! All I ask is to get closer to you so I can make you happy but honestly I really don't think I do. I make good fun but not a good lover for you Jihyo"

"No no Sana Of course you do. I love you. I never said that to someone before. Yes I got married once before but that was just because....she...Sana I can't. I'm shaking. You can't be serious. Get out so we can talk." Jeongyeon pulled me away from the door.

"I'll bring her to your house when she's ready Jihyo. Go home!"

"Don't fucking take her away from me Jeongyeon! You drunk fuck!" Jeongyeon swore under her breath as she pulled me back to the bed room.

"She left" jeongyeon looked between the curtains.

"Jeongyeon I don't know what to do"

"Just forget her for now it's making you depressed...I never see you like this. I don't like it"

"She never tells me anything. She never got help after her father abused her. She's just looking to get hurt. I..I don't know Jeongyeon" she stepped into my personal space and closed the gap between us with a hug.

"Don't think about it. I know its hard but deal with it later" her hug made me calm down.

"Jeongyeon!" Nayeon opened the door and saw us hugging.

"Oh..oh! Jihyos going to kill you! Sana stay with her and you'll get hurt!" Nayeon had a look of disgust on her face.

"Nayeon! I saw you kissing another girl!"

"So what! It doesn't hurt anywhere close to me finding Sana in your bed last night. I thought she'd leave but now your holding her like you held me. I'm done. This is all fucked up. Sana you belong with Jihyo no matter how fucked up in the head she is! Jeongyeon don't even bother trying to come back to me. We've don't this to many times!"

Nayeon stormed off and slammed the front door.

"Every time we fight she does this...it kills me Sana"

"Just forget about it...it's not as hard as it looks." She kissed my forehead. The sensation was calming. Jeongyeon had tears coming out. We were just a ball of emotions.


The rain soaked my clothes as I ran and ran. My past with women was to be forgotten. I never wanted it to be said anywhere around Sana because she'd blow the real truth into lies that would haunt her mind forever.

A part of me thought I shouldn't even try. She was completely right. Jeongyeon shouldn't have been the one to tell her. I ruined everything I touched.

"Jihyo..I thought that we could get married. I've been on the contract for a while now and I think I want to be with you for the rest of your life." She sat with her hands on her lap in front of me waiting for my answer.

"Stand up" I grazed my fingers across her cheek. She stared blank face at me. She was the best submissive I'd had to date. Everything about her was perfect. The way she'd do anything to tend to my needs. I loved that about her but something ached at my heart. I still had nightmares and horrible images run through my mind. She couldn't stop them. No one could.

"Ok. I'll have you sign something. Saying your still my submissive nothing more. A document and ring don't change anything. Ok?"


I fucked up back then and didn't follow my heart. I thought love was stupid.

The look on Sanas face came back. Her expression as I pulled out the ring that I had put on the other girls finger.

My heart pounded and cheered in joy much different from the first time. I needed to get Sana back.

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