Part 8 How could you have sex with someone who smells like that?

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BETH:  What! (shocked) How?

RACHEL: It was a heart attack.  I don't know what to do?

BETH: Where is she now?

RACHEL:  At the hospital. They said i need to contact the undertakers, I don't know how to dae  all of that.

BETH:  Is there nobody else that can organise that until we come over?

RACHEL:  Oh, will you come over?

BETH:  Of course we will! Let me know the hospital she's in then i need the number of the undertakers, i'll do that this end.  Are you okay?

RACHEL: Not really

BETH:  Can someone come and stay with you?

RACHEL:  No.  All of my friends moved away and I split with my boyfriend. You and Shaylynn are the only family i really talk to now.

BETH: Don't forget your  Uncle Hank and Aunt Freya are here in Chicago with your other cousin Carly.

RACHEL:  I know.

BETH: I'm gonna hang up.  The quicker i can organise everything the sooner we'll be over there!


As soon as Beth hung up she told Kelly what was happening.

BETH: First phone Matt and tell them they can still go out in the yacht.  Then phone Geoff and get him to hire me a private jet, i don't care how much. Or get us flights.  We need to fly to Edinburgh as soon as possible.  I'll phone Shaylynn and my mom then I'll start packing.

A few hours later, managing to get hold of Shaylynn at last they spoke briefly on the phone.


BETH: Are you legally married yet?

SHAYLYNN: Yes, we are legally and officially married.

BETH: Yay, i'm so happy for you!

Beth went quiet for a bit

SHAYLYNN: Is everything okay back there?

BETH: Rachel called me, her mom died!

SHAYLYNN: When's the funeral?

BETH: It'll be in a couple of days

SHAYLYNN: We'll be on the first flight home

Shaylynn hung up

Kelly and Beth couldn't get a private jet but Geoff managed to get them onto flights for 3.30PM that afternoon. He had booked two extra seats for Shaylynn and Jay just in case they made it back to Chicago in time. That gave Beth enough time to organise the best part of the funeral from Chicago.

Beth's mom was flying out the next day as she was in the middle of planning a high profile wedding.  It was unfortunate the Carly couldn't make it as she had some important exams coming up that she couldn't miss.

About five hours later Beth received a text from Shaylynn

"Let me know what time we need to be at the airport"

Beth texted her back straight away with the time

Beth and Kelly arrived at O'hare a good half hour before Shaylynn and Jay turned up.

Shaylynn gave Beth a hug and Jay and Kelly shook hands.

KELLY: Congratulations for real this time! (smiling)

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