Chapter Three

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Caroline walk in to her house holding bags on both hands. The moment she step into the house she smelled strange scent. "Lizzie. Is Ren home?" She yell walks to the kitchen. Lizzie stand at end of table and stand like caught red handed doing something. Caroline notice another person present in the kitchen. She gaps when Elijah turn to her. "Elijah" her voice came out a whisper. "Caroline" he gave his usual greeting smile. Caroline sighs and take a deep breath before turning to the one person she thought she will never see. "Hello love" Klaus lean on the arch, wearing his signature smirk, his eyes roaming her from head to toe. "Klaus" she said shakily. Bonnie stood still when she enter the room. The Mikaelson brothers in their house. Anything could happen she thinks.

Everyone gathered at the dining table. Elijah explained to the ladies how Klaus gave Elena his blood and cured her. Elena thanked Klaus for saving her life. "First time i saved you with no intention of using you for my own good" he says leaning further in the chair. Klaus eyes met Caroline who avoids to see him. He sense her nervousness and it amuses him. The non stop talking, bossy, but smart blonde now sit opposite to him quite, her hands clenched together, her heart beat racing every time their eyes meet. "So u three were together all this time?" Elijah ask looking Elena who nods her head. "We left the Mystic Falls together to stay together." "When Caroline finds out she is pregnant, she told us, we decided to the best. Staying in Mystic Falls don't bring any good so we left. Somehow ended up here" Bonnie says. "Caroline why u didn't come to us when u found u were pregnant by My brother?" Elijah drank his water looking at her to answer. Caroline gulps "i came to New Orleans. Looking for Klaus but people said he left years ago." She says looking nowhere. "We have seen you from far. During the funeral. Ren and I was in the crowd. We lied to mom where did we go but when she finds out she grounded us for weeks" Lizzie says placing her pen and close the book securely. Klaus and Elijah surprised by her statement. They were there and he failed to notice. "Excuse me. I have a test to study for" she says leaving. "Nerd" Ren mumble and a fork fly his way but he catches it without looking. He place the fork on the table and walk out. Klaus was impressed by his reflex. "Lizzie" Caroline warns. "So u put a spell on this land?" Elijah ask at Bonnie. "Yeah. When we came here people were terrified because Elena was a vampire, Caroline turning into a hybrid. They found us a threat to their pack but later sympathies on Caroline's situation and helped us. While being here we learned how the pack always been a target for bully by rival packs. In return for their kindness i put a spell around this territory to keep it safe from harm. We worked here along with them and as time goes they accepted us as one of them. Caroline being Caroline had her way around and become the packs favourite." "She was the former Miss Mystic Falls, Bonnie. Of course she knew her way around" Elena teases. "Shut up" Caroline blushes and she felt certain person gaze on her. "Ever since that, this is us. Raising the kids,teaching them the best. Protecting people around here." "But why hide your whereabouts?" Elijah was curious and the only person asks them questions.  "We don't want anyone to find us, duh" Bonnie shrugs. Elena chuckles. "We started a new life over here. Even though they all are werewolves , they were very understanding and something was different about these peoples. They only show kind and love not hate while trying to stay from any troubles." Elena says. "Anything other than that u want know, hear from Caroline, herself." Bonnie smiles at her who in return glare her. "Caroline" his voice make her heart flutter. That deep, British accent, sexy voice she misses. She look at him holding up her emotions. "We need to talk" he says and she nods her head standing. She signals him to follow her and they walk up to her room.

Klaus step inside the room looking around. Caroline go stand by her little balcony staring at him as he reads her room. The room was simple but still he can see Caroline's touch. He smirks standing beside her. He casually leans on the black railing watch to out space, "why?" His voice sound little anger. Caroline felt guilty and look down. "First im sorry. I know my sorry cant fix what i did. But i had my reasons." "Twins! Caroline. All my life i never knew they exist. I was living with a thought Hope is my everything. But it wasn't fair for these two kids. My kids." Klaus spats. "Our kids" Caroline look at his eyes, challenging. "Klaus, when i found I'm pregnant , i freaked, i don't know what to do. I was just stepped into college life. I called Bonnie and Elena. Told them everything and they helped. Bonnie figured the possibilities for my pregnancy. Despite all the bad things u did for my friends i cant show that hatred towards the living things in me. So i voice my decision to keep them and they agreed to support me. So we left. Elena told me u should tell you. U have all the right to know. Guess i was late, we came New Orleans and learned u got also pregnant that wolfb-" Caroline bit her bottom lip restraining to finish that line. Klaus hint jealousy and anger when she mention Hayley. But amuse him. "U got pregnant Hayley and the child's life was in danger by witches. U were fighting your best to protect that child. How do u think i come up to you and say that I'm also pregnant and put our kids life in risk too. Im so done with people using me to take u down Klaus. In Mystic Falls, they all used me. That was me, a bait and they don't care about my feelings. I got terrified that here also anyone will use these kids to bring u down. U already had too much in your plates. I didn't want to add more." Her voice breaks. "Caro-" Klaus approach her but she put a hand between them stopping him. "Im not finished. I left the town without meeting you then. I told Elena and Bonnie about the situation and they understand. We roam the woods, crashing some cabins, fighting rogues and one day end here. Because i was a vampire the babies growth was too fast. U may realise that they are elder then Hope." Klaus tilt his head at the mention of Hope. "I know about Hope." She smiles sniffing. "I gave birth and raised them. It was hard first, zero parental knowledge but I learned. They were my world after that. I raise them telling all about you and Mikaelson family. And why u are not with us. I myself surprised by their maturity when the kids understand their life. I was there for them as a father role too but it will never be like you being there. I made their life unfair by keeping them away from their dad ,Klaus. I will forever carry that guilt in my shoulder." She brush the tears off looking at pack people in the field. Klaus lost in thoughts how Caroline faced difficulties by herself and yet feeling bad for what she did even it was the good for everyone. He will never understand how the one blonde always fascinating him. He look at her, the breeze making her blonde hair fly and she bat her eyes due to the strong wind. Her lips curved upside, her gaze fixed straight. He follow her gaze and saw Ren and Lizzie, looks like Lizzie is chasing Ren, her face in killing mode. Klaus guess Ren did something offensive to his sister. "Ren and Lizzie uh?" "Klauren Nik Mikaelson, Elena chose that name, saying its our ship name. And Henrika Lizzie Mikaelson. I know about your little brother Henrik and his tragedy. It just occur in my mind and i said that name. Ren and Lizzie are two amazing kids, im blessed to have them. They both day by day get interesting to me. Ren, honestly your replica" she chuckles. Klaus raise his brow. "He is strong, confidence, arrogant, never give up and smart, maybe too smart for his own good like his father" They both look at each other laughing. Klaus eyes shine at the beauty in front him. Damn how much he missed that sound. "Well he have been there for Lizzie playing your role, sometimes annoying her being way too much strict but they love each other. One day he came home saying He will be the man of the house, and he will protect us from always. I have to say he reminds me you that time." Klaus just saw Caroline look at Ren who now talking with his friends before gazing at Lizzie. "So much for have a test to study" she mumble but Klaus heard and chuckles his eyes dropping on his daughter, playing with her fellow friends. Lizzie giggles at something her friend says, Klaus could she the resemblance between her and Caroline. Looking at his daughter smiling like that, he aches for missing that all this long. "Lizzie, what can i say" shaking her head. "Let me say, steady, challenging, loyal, encouraging and knows what she does." He says and Caroline gave him how-could-you look and he chuckles. "If Ren is me then Lizzie is mini you" "Im truly sorry Caroline for not being responsible. I once told you i intend to be your last and made no effort for that. I should have look out for you. For me Family above all, yet i have no idea there was this family without me for them. How painful it was for them. I was supposed to be there their entire growth. They never get anger Caroline, me missing from their life?" He ask her ,his eyes glazed. Caroline find herself in the verge to burst "they didn't. There was no anger in them for you , but i have seen their pain, missing you. Every year their birthday Lizzie will be talking to your picture, ranting how much she misses you, u missing from important part of her life, how she wishes every year you find us one day. However i made sure very reasonable about your non existent in their life because ur responsibilities towards Hope who was in danger and told their dad don't know they actually exist. They understand. They told me they wont be the cause of their dad's destruction." Klaus speechless by his two kids acceptances and open-mindedness. He look at them both and He chose to never leave them and full fill everything he missed in their life. He wants to gave the fatherly love they longed for. He will protect them from any harms. Klaus face made Caroline worried. She knew he is thinking to rectify things. She ask herself what she will do if Klaus wants to be part of their life. Will she let him or ?

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