A rose for the flower boy (Lashton,with side of Malum)
I look behind my opened locker and see him standing there. He was fiddling with his sweater paws, looking beautiful.
'Go talk to him instead of stalking him' Michael urged.
'What no... Wait. What? I don't stalk him, standing here watching him isn't stalking'.
I hear Michael giggling, so I turn round and look at him.
'What's so funny?'
'You, that's what, you just basically said that watching someone's every move isn't stalking them!' He laughed.
'I dont watch his every move' I mumble embarrassed. 'I wish I did though'
Michael continued to laugh at me. 'Oh come on, you've been in love with that guy for nearly a year, go do something about it instead of pretending to be punk rock' he winked.
'Im more punk rock than you, even that lazy, fat cat down the road is' I mumbled.
'If you're so punk rock go tell him you like him then.' Michael whispered in my ear whilst walking away towards Calum.
'Why don't you go make out with Calum and stop annoying me' I shouted to him.
'With pleasure' he yelled back dragging a confused Calum into an empty closet. He popped his head out and winked at me.
'Dick' I whispered to my self and stuck my middle finger up to the now closed closet door.
He popped his head out again and said 'Dick? Yes I'm getting dick, don't be jealous because you're not' and slowly closed the door again.
'What? How did he hear that?' I asked my self confused. I quickly closed my locker door and looked up to see him still standing there at his locker. Ashton Irwin, the most beautiful person on this Earth. And it just so happens that I am completely, madly in love with him. A smile makes it's way on my face when I see him still fiddling with his sweater paws.
'Cute' I whisper and walk away.
'So did you tell him that you are deeply in love with him, want him to have rough sex with you and want his babies?' Michael asked whilst we were sat outside eating pizza.
'No' I answered annoyed.
'So you admit to wanting him to have sexy time with you'
'What? No! I never said that!' I blushed.
'Ahh that's the thing, you never denied it neither' he laughed.
'Why don't you go back to making out with Calum?'
'I would but he's at football training' he whines.
'Why don't you go watch him train'
'As much as watching my hot ass boyfriend run around sweaty chasing a ball is appealing, I would much rather sit here talking to you about your failing love life' he spoke.
'Whats the real reason you're not there?' I asked him, already knowing what he has just said was a complete lie.
'Oh, alright you caught me. Apparently shouting to him, that every time he touches the ball I will touch his, isn't 'appropriate', also whilst they are stretching, telling Calum to stretch with his butt facing me isn't really 'appreciated' by the coach. But can you blame me? If you were dating someone as hot as Calum you would so do the same thing!'
'You're just a hormonal freak' I laughed at him.
'So it's valentines day tomorrow, going to give a flower to a certain someone?' He nudged me.