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Today is the day.

Today is the day that the love of his love is getting married.

Louis' marriage.

It feels so hard and so wrong to pronounce it between his lips.

Harry is sitting alone, under a big shady tree. In front of him is a beautiful scenery of a peaceful lake. No one ever comes here, nobody knows this place. Except for him . And of course Louis. This is their secret place together. And specifically, their first date place.

They always come here, this place is a must-go place for their anniversary. Their all five anniversaries, and sadly, there is no sixth anniversary. Harry's eyes suddenly feel hazy. But he quickly wipes his eyes with his thumb.

He promised to himself that he wouldn't cry today. He's strong enough to face this. So he's smiling instead, scanning the beautiful scenery in front of him.

He always comes here alone whenever he had a problem or got in a little fight with Louis. Louis will came to him, hugged him slowly from back, kissed his cheeks soft and sweet, then everything is fine again.

Flashback of memories playing in his mind, where he shares his first kiss with Louis, on his first date, under this same tree. And Harry believes if this tree can talk, he surely can tells him how much kisses they'd share, how many times they'd cuddle against the tree, how many "I love you's" they'd exchanged. He smiles at the thought, although he knows that, that will only remains as memories and Louis probably forget about this one day.

Soft cold wind touches his skin and sometimes it's getting pretty windy that the fedora that he wears over his head is almost flying off. He holds on his fedora and tucks his curls nicely in it.

Then his fingers trail down his silver necklace, all the way to the pendant. A dagger pendant, that Louis gave him. He holds it close to his heart.

His eyes shut closed, trying to discard all the memories from his mind, but it's hard. His heart hurts so much. His chest can't barely able to hold it. Tears begin to form in the corners of his eyes. But he quickly wipes it again. He knows no matter how much he's crying, how much he's screaming, things will never change. He never get his Louis back.

There's no way out, there's no other solution. It's almost dusk and Harry is so sure now that Louis has already be the husband to that girl. They already changing vows and "I do's".

Thinking of it makes his heart swollen even more. He's the one who should say the vow, he's the one who should say "I do" to Louis. He's the one who should be kissing Louis in their wedding. But now he defeated. He lost. He lost everything.

But he realized where he stands, he's not from a wealthy, successful family. There's no chance for him to be together with Louis. He knows all of this happened for Louis' sake. Ever heard of 'if you love someone, you have to let them go?'

Although it's sounds bullshit, Harry believe in that because that's what he's doing now. He's moving on. For Louis' best. He needs to forget Louis and let him go, although he doesn't know how.

He lets out a long sigh before gets up from his sitting. It's getting dark and Harry thinks it's a good time to leave. He pats his pants a few times to remove the dust and adjusting the fedora on his head.

He holds the dagger tightly in his fist, giving a last view to the lake and turns around to get to his car. Then he walks away from the lake weakly.

But suddenly he freezes. He stop walking immediately. His lips parted and starts to shake. His breathing is getting heavier. His eyes wide open staring in front of him.

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