Chapter 1

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Elise Evans

You ever look through your inbox, trying to find a specific email, and you feel like ripping your hair out, because it's nowhere to be found? Yea that's what i'm feeling right now, most importantly because I'm a fairly organized person. I think...

After five minutes of scrolling, I finally find it, a rush of excitement and chills run through my veins as I tap on the icon and start reading.

Dear Ms. Evans,
The Swayze family has carefully evaluated your resume and records, I am very pleased to inform you that you are perfectly fit to care of the Swayze children. I will send you all the necessary information and you are to be at the indicated address at 3pm tommorow. We will discuss matters such as pay, hours and your responsibilities upon our meet. Have a great day!!!

Madame Descoteaux

To say that I'm relieved is an understatement. I'm ecstatic. I close my lap top and make my way to the living room. I force a smile upon my face and say good morning to my beautiful mother.

She looks better now since her last radiation. Her hair is back and now in a nice pixie cut. The best part is that she's back to most of her usual activities. It's hard seeing her like this , because I've always seen her so full of life, always dancing, and singing, but I have to stay strong for her. She's all I have left.

"Goodmoring sweetie." She smiles getting up to give me a hug.

"I have good news, remember the the job that you're boss suggested for me." she nods her head, "The woman contacted me back and said that I can meet the family tomorrow." I say with a smile, and she sighs.

"What's wrong mom?I thought you would be happy?" She looks down.

"I'm sorry I can't support you right now. The doctor said i'll be able to go back to NYCB in a month, but for now I'll write choreography and rest. I'm sorry Elise." I place my hands on her shoulders reassuringly and she looks up.

"Do not be sorry. You made me who I am, and have taught me to always be hard-working. It's not your fault, things like this happen. You are a strong woman, and I will always be willing to help you. I finish my MBA at Colombia in June, three months from now and then i'll have my dream job. This nanny job will help me pay the rest of the tuition, rent, and anything else that needs paying." I lied, "Now stay positive for me."

She nods quickly and I give her another hug.

"Now, I got to go, or I'll be late. I Love You." She waves before closing the door and I walk out of the building.

Being Friday, the streets are packed, but it's almost always like this in Manhattan. I look around and observe traffic, I can tell that an Uber is going to last at least 20 minutes to get there.

I dash to the train, dodging some people that are walking annoyingly slow. I go down the stairs not touching the rail, because like, ew, and see that the train doors are closing.Goddammit

I make a run for it, and some dude blocks the door from closing and I hurry inside, whispering a small thank you. He just makes a weird noise that sounds like a growl. Ok then...

Tapping my foot and constantly checking the time, I pray that I don't get late. Most of my professors love me, but this one . . . so help me god. Professors like Mr.Acadia can go to . . . you know what let me stop.

The train stops at 116 street and I scurry my way out. I reach the front of the building and like every morning, I sigh with pride. Colombia Business School, what a dream, and I'm almost done. I feel like the world is at my fingertips.

I rush inside the building, and go through security holding my ID up, saying good morning to both of them. What do they do, growl, what the hell is it with men and growling. We get it, you're animals and are still attached to your primal instincts, but geesh.

I speed walk towards Business Math, and look down a the time, 8:14, just on time. I walk inside the class quietly and take a seat, getting all my things settled. I'm calm and collected, until I hear a squeaky, raspy voice boom through the class, piercing my eardrums.

 I'm calm and collected, until I hear a squeaky, raspy voice boom through the class, piercing my eardrums

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"Why are you late, Ms. Evans" asks Mr.Acadia. I look up at him, biting my tongue to keep me from saying something i'll regret later. He thinks because he has a doctorate in whatever the hell it is, he can ruin my morning. That's why he has no wife . . .and no hair. Wait what?

"I asked a question, and want an answer." The audacity. I take a deep breath.

"I walked into this room at 8:14, on the schedule I was given at the beginning of this course says this class starts at 8:15. And if you look at your clock right now, it is 8:18, you have now wasted three minutes of your own, so-called precious time, making false claims." I finish by cocking my head to the side, with my eyes fixed on Mr.Acadia. He was looking small behind his desk and I'm in my mojo, until I hear someone clapping.

All eyes dart to the hottie . . .who's also a renowned asshole. Sergio Swayze. He has a stupid grin slapped across his perfect, chiseled face, what a . . . No, no, no, no, no, focus Elise.

I roll my eyes at him and look back to Mr. Acadia.

"Ms. Evans, we will finish our conversation after class," I sigh, "and you too Mr. Aguillard." He finishes looking back down at his paper. He starts writing on the board, but then, from the corner of my eye, I feel someone's gaze on me. I start tapping my foot anxiously, and look in that the direction. But the jerk swiftly turns his eyes back to the front.

"Eyes up here Ms. Evans"

There he goes again.


The bell rings and everybody gets up, ignoring whatever Mr.Acadia's finishing remarks were. I try being cunning, and blend in with the other students, until I hear a voice calling out my last name. God have mercy.

I take a deep breath and turn around. "Yes, Mr.Acadia?" I look to my left and I see idiot-hottness leaning up against the wall, standing in all his glory.

"You two are my best students, you are hard-working and pass all my exams with flying colors, but I will not tolerate anymore disturbances from the two of you or anyone. Pardon me, Ms Evans, my clock's time is not adjusted correctly." No fricken way, he did not apologize, to me. "If this happens again, be ready to read Contemporary Mathematics for Business Consumers, and completing a 10 page report, discussing every topic. Am I understood?"

We both shake our heads and he gestures with his hand for us to go.

I start walking towards the door, slightly stomping because i hate being reprimanded.

"Emily . . ." I hear a deep vice call out.

I stop in my tracks, but continue, because I wasn't getting late to my next class.

"Or is it Elsa?" I hear him one last time in a mocking tone.


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