Chapter One

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The news spread like wildfire. James and Lily Potter were dead. The news had spread through most of the wizarding world by the next evening. However, the 1st of November 1981 wasn't used to mourn the loss of two wizards. It was used to celebrate the downfall of lord Voldemort. And James and Lily were seen to be the two bravest wizards in the wizarding world. They had stood up to Voldemort to protect their one and only son, even though, they knew they would die. Heroes. This didn't make the news any easier on their friends and family though.

One person who took the news particularly hard, was Minerva McGonagall. When the black owl flew from Sirius that his best friends were dead at the hands of Voldemort, she couldn't believe it. She was in her classroom at the time, marking some essays from her students, and she wept. She had never wept like that in her life, yet here she was, crying over the mischievous little boy that had played prank after prank on her but whom she loved dearly, and the young woman who was the brightest witch of her age. And she wept for Harry Potter, their son, who was now left without parents. As she sobbed into her robes, another owl flew through the window. She recognised this one as belonging to Dumbledore. She took the envelope out of its beak and it flew out of the window and down towards the owlery. She dried her eyes and put her glasses back on so she could see the words that he wrote.

Dear McGonagall,

I am afraid to say that James and Lily have been murdered by Lord Voldemort. He found out their hiding place from Peter Petigrew, but Sirius has been arrested for it. Witnesses saw the two of them arguing and Peter staged an explosion so that it looked like Sirius murdered Peter. Peter cut off his finger and vanished. My guess is that he transformed into his animagus form. I have tried to tell the minister, but there is no record of Peter being animagus, so Sirius looks guilty.

Anyway, Hagrid has fetched the boy and is going to bring him to Privet Drive, where he is going to live with Lily's sister and her husband until he is old enough to come to Hogwarts.

I will see you when I return to Hogwarts on the 2nd.

Albus Dumbledore.

She couldn't believe what she was reading. Sirius in Azkaban, Harry living with muggles, Peter escaped? She couldn't really do anything about Sirius and Peter, the minister of magic would never believe her if she tried explaining the truth, but she could do something about Harry. She stood from her desk and made her way to Hogsmeade so she could apparate to Privet Drive. There she would wait for Dumbledore and Hagrid to arrive with Harry.

Hours passed. She watched the house of Harry's aunt and uncle all day. They were retched. His uncle was fat and red and and he always seemed angry. When he got in his car to leave for work, it wouldn't start right away and he hit and hit the wheel as if it would make a difference. His aunt was nosy and rude and quite frankly, stuck up and snotty. And their son? Well, he was just like his father. He was round and pink and would throw a fit any time he didn't get his way. McGonagall couldn't leave Harry with these people.

Finally, at midnight, when all was quiet, Dumbledore appeared at the end of the street. He used his deluminator to make all the street lights disappear so the street was in complete darkness. She waited until he got closer to the house and transformed from her cat animagus back to her regular form.

"I should have known you would be here, Minerva."

"I won't let you do it Albus. I just won't. I have been watching these people all day. They are the worst sort of muggles imaginable."

"What would you have me do, Minerva? Sirius was going to take him, but he's in Azkaban. He isn't getting out any time soon. Peter thought of everything. He really looks guilty."

"What about Remus?"

"He refused. He thinks he would be putting Harry's life in danger by looking after him."

"Is there no one else?"

"I would ask Molly and Arthur, but they have too many kids as it is. Little Ron is Harry's age and she just found out she's pregnant with her seventh."

"What about me?" The words blurted out of her mouth before she could stop them, but the more she thought about it, the more she convinced herself it was a good idea. "Yes. I will look after him. I will adopt him as my own. I never got the chance to mother children, but I basically do it every day of my life. I loved James like a son, now I can take care of his son."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, but it felt like forever. "He would live with you at Hogwarts?"

"Why not? He would love the castle growing up. All the other teachers would love him."

He was silent again. The look on his face was unreadable, which made McGonagall nervous. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a thundering roar. It was followed by two giant headlights appearing, and then a screech as a giant motorbike landed on the road by Dumbledore and McGonagall. Hagrid stepped off of the bike and Harry could be seen underneath his giant coat, fast asleep. "There you go sir. He was good as gold." Hagrid passed the baby to Dumbledore, who looked at him in awe.

"There's been a change of plans Hagrid. I need you to take Harry to Hogwarts."

Hagrid seemed quite excited by this. He didn't want to say it, but he didn't want Harry to live with the muggles either. "Why sir?"

"Because Professor McGonagall is adopting Harry, and she is going to raise him at Hogwarts."

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