"A simple 'Hello' is all I'm asking for!"

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Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Today is the day of my first date. Is it even a date? I don't know.
I put on a yellow dress with some flower prints on it along with black dotted nylon tights, rounded up with a black leather jacket and some black leather boots. Yes, I tried to look pretty but why? I can't even answer that myself but Troy just seems like he's worth it.

After my 20 minute bus ride I wait infront of the café. Nervously I hold my bag infront of me and look around for him.

10 minutes pass.

20 minutes pass.

30 minutes pass.

Where is he? We said we would meet at 3 p.m and now it's half past three. I sigh and my shoulders drop while my head sinks looking at the ground. I'm stupid. I should have known that someone like him would never want to meet up with me. What was I even thinking?..

I turn to me side and take a few steps towards the nearest bus station when suddenly..


My head rises and I turn around in shock as I see an running Troy coming towards me. He stops infront of me panting heavily. I'm just giving him an completely confused look as I look up at him.

"I'm so sorry! The bus was late and then I decided to run all the way here but I still arrived late.."

I smile a little and nod as an 'okay'.

"Where were you heading? Were you going to leave?"

Oh no. He saw that?! Fuck.
My face becomes crimson red ad my eyes widen and I quickly shake my head as a 'no' and scratch the back of my head.

"Okay good! I was worried haha. Let's go inside?"

I nod and we head inside. We decided to sit at a table in the very back so we could be for ourselves. Very romantic I know.
We ordered two big Latte and strawberry cheesecakes with extra whipped cream on top. Yummy.

Finally our food arrived and we digged in immediately.

"I'm sorry but I haven't even told you yet how beautiful you look today. You..really do." He blushed and lookes away. Omg he's so cute! I want to take a picture but I can't..that'd be weird..or would it be?

I blush as well and smile at him as a 'Thank you' for his compliment.

"Can I ask you something?" I look at him and nod. "How..how do you express yourself? Like, obviously you don't like to talk but..how?"

I think for a moment on how I'm supposed to explain that to him. So I took my phone out, opened the note app and wrote the following:
"I don't talk at all due to incidents in the past and because I just feel like it's overrated. I usually communicate with Photos or sign language."

He reads it carefully and a small chuckle escapes his mouth. Is he laughing at me? I tilt my head slightly and look at him a little worried.

"You're cute. I've never met such an interesting girl like you."
I blush and look away shyly.

After another 20 minutes he paid for our meal and we went to the park nearby. There was some sort of festival going on with lots of food and gaming stands but we avoided it. We walked around it to the path where we've met yesterday. He talked a lot about himself and his life and I honestly enjoyed it.

"Hey, you got your camera with you? Let's take some photos!"
I smile,nod and took it out. He immediately rushed infront of me posing like a runaway model. I couldn't help but laugh at his dorkness and took the shots.
We looked at them and laughed.

Suddenly he took the camera out of my hand, turned it around, held it up, put his arm around my shoulder, pressed me a little closer to him and..

"Say cheese!..I mean, strawberry cheesecake!"

I had to smile at what he said and he took the shot.
The camera was given back to me and I was about to look at it when I realized how dark it had gotten.
We walked back to the center of the park when we heard some music playing. 'Stuck on you' by Lionel Richie. We saw many couples slow dancing with each other and I blushed getting a little awkward.

He smiled softly and looked down at me holding his hand out to me "Wanna dance?"

Hell no! I'm the worst dancer EVER!
I shook my head wildly but he just softly grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to the dance floor.

He noticed that I was lost and didn't know how to dance so he guided me:
He took my hands and placed them on his shoulders while he placed his on my waist.

My face was redder than a tomato by now and I kept looking down out of embarassment. After some minutes of slow dancing from side to side he took one of my hands and spun me one time slowly. I was having fun as suddenly the DJ changed the music to some pop song. I got annoyed at first but then I saw Troy bobbing his head to the beat and copying the guitar sounds with his air guitar and mouth. I laughed and took a video of it. It was honestly hilarious.

He put my camera back into my bag and started dancing with me again. But not slowly. We did some kind of jumping around what most people did. Really cringe, but at that moment I didn't care.

The time went on and it got already late. Him being the gentleman of all, took me home so I would arrive safely.
We stepped to my doorway.

"Well, I guess that was it for the night. Thank you Sky, I really enjoyed today. Let's meet again, okay?" He smiled ever so softly and we stared at each other for a while.
Is this the moment where they kiss in movies?! I'm not ready for this!"

Troy slowly leaned in and I shut my eyes tightly but when I felt soft lips on my forehead I opened my eyes and saw him kissing it.
I blushed hard and he just smiled and left while waving goodbye.

I stood there frozen for at least half a minute until I quickly took out my key, opened the door, threw my shoes off and ran into my bedroom. I heard my parents yelling after me if everything was okay but I just ignored it.

I locked my door, threw my bag on my bed, threw myself on by bed with my face on the pillow and my legs kicking on the matress.

Today was one of the best days in my entire life.

With a last text to Troy I ended my amazing day:

S: Thank you Troy. Today was honestly amazing. I didn't have so much fun in ages!

T: Thank you as well Cutie! Let's make it a thing? Every sunday, 3 p.m at the coffee shop? :)

S: Hell yeah! See ya next Sunday then! ^^

T: See you next sunday. ;P

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