"She doesn't speak. She communicates with photos"

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The moon is just about to go to sleep when school is already starting. Way too early. Scientists found out that the human brain starts to work fully at 10 a.m. So why would they start school so early? I bet the teachers just want us to be tired and fail. Oh! I guess that's why they put math as the first 2 classes. I hate school. I always did. I wasn't one of those children in kindergarten who couldn't wait to go to school. No, I knew that I would hate it. I knew it from the beginning that I heard about school for the first time. Already the word school. Ugh. Makes me gag. S.C.H.O.O.L. What does that even mean? Social chance hides on Oliver long? What the fuck am I thinking? I mean, I don't even know an Oliver. The bell rings. The only sound that I like in this piece of hell. It always gets me one step closer to the end of school. Lunch break. My favourite time of the day. Well, after schools end of course. I pack my stuff and make my way through the hallways which seems like forever. All these people looking at you, talking, sometimes even stopping you by making you trip or whatever. Another reason why I don't like it. But that doesn't stop me from what I am about to do. My feet lead me outside into the nice spring weather. It's about to rain. Beautiful. I take my camera out and hold up to my face. My one eye closes and the camera becomes my eye sight. I walk while looking through the camera and when I see something that catches my eye I take a picture of it. My "eye" looks up to take a photo. Just when a rain drop was about to hit my lens I click and the next thing I see is a wet camera lens. A smile forms on my lips as I know that this is was an amazing shot without even having to look at it. I keep my daily activity going. Sometimes I think about how weird it must look like. There is a girl that keeps the camera on her eye like it would be glued on it and walks around the place non-stop. I bet I look like some sort of Photographer Zombie. Ah, Photographer. That's what I want to do as my job in the future. But my parents are not a big fan of it. They want me to go Harvard or Yale and do something useful in my life. I know that they just want the best for me but isn't it my decision? Only a few minutes left until class starts again. Enough time to take more pictures. So I continue to look for a perfect shot. Suddenly I see this guy. If I remember right he is the most wanted and handsome guy in school. Well, that's what most of the girls think at least. Woah! What is he doing?! He is taking his shirt off. My eye wides behind the camera. As his naturally toned body hits the air and the clouds start to disappear and the sun comes out and shines straight onto him like he is the chosen one. My eyebrow raises and I keep watching. His head turns into my direction and it was as if he was looking through the lens and straight into my eye. It hit me like a truck. I take a photo. Click. Flash. Wait...Flash?! Why was my flash on?! Of course he saw that. He just laughs and greets his friends with some "cool" handshake, brofist or whatever this hand sex is called. The ring of the bell brings me back to reality. I bring the camera down so I could look at the photos. 2 good shots. That is good. I look at the raindrop one. It looks majestic. All you can see is a giant raindrop from underneath. It's like you would stand underneath it and wait for it to hit you. It's so clear you can look through it. Well the camera was worth 1,000$. But wait..what is this? I skipped to look at the other photo that I took. But what is this? I see the guy. Fully dressed. No sun. No smile or look towards me. Just him on his phone waiting for his friends. I look up and see that they are gone and I also realize that the sky is still the same. Confusion hits me and I look through my camera again to notice that it definitely wasn't my lens. Must have been my imagination. Hm. Oh well. And so I continue the rest of this horrific school day. 

Authors note:
Hey! This is my first story that I published here. It's a weird one but I thought it might be something different. I'm sorry if you don't like my jokes or humor in it but everyone has his own opinion :) Hope you enjoy it and I will definitely finish it. If you have ideas or something that you would like to happen in the story then leave a comment and I will read it and maybe your idea will be in the next chapter :) Hope you have a great day/night! 

P.S. I'm awfully sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake. English is not my mothertongue even tho I wish it was xD

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