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2 weeks later...

It's been quiet around here since Chan works in his office all the time. And all the other members are either out drinking or doing something else. We haven't had a mission in a while, or at least a fun one. With all the free time I've been looking for my parents killers. And I think I may have a lead.

My eyes widen as I stare at the computer screen. I speed walk over to the counter.

"Hi, is there anyway I can print an artical?" I ask kinda in a hurry.

"Uh yeah, 25 cents for black and white, 50 for color." I reach into my pocket and pull out a dollar. I slam it on the counter and walk back to the computer. I print the picture and log out. I walk back to the counter.

"This is yours?" She holds up the artical. I grab the photo from her hand and run out of the library.

I rush down the street. I accidentally bump into a few people on the way.

"Sorry!" I yell running past people. I cross the street nearly getting hit by a car.

"Sorry!" I yell. I keep running with the biggest smile on my face. I may have finally found out who killed my parents.

I run in the front door and to Chan's office.

"Chan! Look at this!" I slam the photo down on his desk as I bend down to catch my breath.

"What am I looking at?" He holds the paper in his hands.

"The artical about a man named Jung Jungkook who was sent to prison for killing a 30 year old couple in Busan, Korea. That matches my parent disruption almost perfectly." I smile.

"Okay, good luck." He goes back to working on his computer.

"Good luck? I thought you said you'd help me?" He sighs and looks back at me.

"I said I'd help you find the killer, I never said anything about killing them. And it looks like you did it well enough yourself." His voice annoyed.

"What's your problem?" Noticing his change in behavior from when I left.

"Can't you see I'm doing more important things right now?! If you want revenge then go!" He stands up slamming his hands on his desk.

"So my parents death aren't important?!" I raise my voice as well.

"Ryan, that's not what I meant." He lowers his voice.

"No, I understand. You don't care." I turn to walk out.


"No, Chris. I have somewhere to be." I scoff and stomp out the front door.

I walk down the street in anger. Why even have me join the group? Worst mistake I've ever made.

Then I get pulled into the near by alley way.

"Hey what the fuck-" They place a cloth over my mouth.

"Why'd you do that?" My body grows weaker as I fall towards the earth. I close my eyes forgetting everything.


I walk up look around the dim lit room. It smells of urine and metal. Then I noticed my hands and legs are tied to the chair.

"Shit." I mumble to myself. Then I feel something in my pocket. My knife.

"Hello Haerin, glad you could join us." A deep voice greets me. I look around to try to find the source. The lights go on. I squint my eyes at the sudden burst of light. When my pupils dilate I see the man.

"Just talk and no one gets hurt." He bounces a knife in his hand.

"So what is Stray Kids planning?" He pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on and walks towards me.

"I don't know. Bang tells me nothing." I scoff saying his name.

"Come on, he has a girl join the group and doesn't favorite her?" He asks and I nod.

"Unbelieveable I know." I agree with him.

"Well since your still pretty new to the whole group, let's start simple. What about his real name?" He places the knife on my cheek bone.

"Who? Bang's? It's Chan, his real name is Chan." I bluff.

"Really? His name is Chan? He's from Australia, what's his English name?" He lightly pushes the knife to my skin.

"How would I know? I'm only used as a love interest. Anything else, I'm oblivious." I glance down at the knife.

He pushes the knife harder and cuts into my skin. I tuck my bottom lip between my teeth. Tears escape my eyes as I hold back a scream.

"Last chance." He sings and stay silent. He then skids the knife downwards; cutting my skin even more.

"Fuck!" I scream and he chuckles at my pain.

"If I can't make you talk, maybe my partner can?" He backs up and exits the room. I take this time to push my hips forward and grab the knife from my pocket. I use my teeth to open it before sawing away at the rope. When one hand is free I do the same to the other. I hold the knife in my mouth before untying my legs.

My head jerks up when I notice voices coming from out side the room. I stand up and hide behind the wall next to the door. When they enter I place my knife on there neck.

"Your going to lead me out of here or so help me God I'll slit your throat." I mumble.

"Ryan?" His voice almost recognizable.

"How do you know my name?" I release my grasp and he turns for me to see his face.


Blood At Dawn... [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now