How are you?
Is everything okay, dear?I write a letter for you,
My own self,
To remind you these thingsLove will come in its own unplanned time.
Someday you will find out that
You fall for the one
Who perfectly catch you up,
Stand with you
Until the end of time.Then,
Life changed.
Your wonderful dreamy nights
Turn into the scary nightmare,
Full of tears and regrets
Cries and wails.People change too
They come and go
But the true one will
Stay forever on your side.
So don't beg anyone
Don't hold onto the things
That maybe are meant to go.
Let them go with peace,
Wave them a farewell.
But if one time they once want to comeback,
Welcomed them happily.
Never let the changes of people
Change you stay.
Stay remains you.Last but not least,
Don't spread the hate to yourself, no.
You were so tough.
Don't regrets what you have did, no.
You weren't as wise as what you are right now.
Don't go to the mirror just to see where's your flaws, no.
But check yourself what's the best in you can be improved.So, in conclude,
Dear the younger me...
Look at yourself now.
You grow up beautifully to the better you.
You may not see it as a big difference,
But it's worth the wait.
You will bloom,
Yes you will.
You absolutely will.Sincerely,
Your older version.Owarimashita~
Ino 🌸

Dear the Younger Me ✔
PoésieDear 10 years ago of me, I have messages for you. I miss you, in a way no words could describe. Sincerely, The older version of you. {Full english poetry} na🌸, one fine day in July