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Nico and I sat at the top of Half-Blood Hill talking and laughing. This was my favourite thing to do for a date, to just sit some where and just talk. Of course, this wasn't a date, we were just waiting for the Romans. I was finally gonna meet Hazel, hopefuly she would approve of me. I'll admit, I was a little nervous. I know that Nico takes Hazel's opinion very seriously, and that it was rare for him to disagree with her. What if she didn't approve of me? Would Nico break up with me? I honestly can't think about not being with him. When I think about my future, he's always right by my side. after about 10 more minutes, we see people coming towards us. I stand, reaching my hand out ot help him. He takes it, standing and leaning against my shoulder. I smile nervously and wrap my arm around his waist, kissing his hair. Just as the Romans are reaching the top of the hill, I hear who I think was Hazel squeal. Nico gently detaches himself from my side, as Hazel sprints up the hill and throws herself into him. He hugs her back, smiling.

 "Hey, sis." he mumbles. "I missed you!" she squeals, making Nico laugh a little. "Missed you, too." He pulls away, gesturing to me. "This is my boyfriend, Will. Remember?" Hazel nods, hugging me. "I've heard so much about you from Nico! Thank you for making him happy!" I smile, hugging the younger girl back. She pulls away from me, launching herself at her brother again. She catches him by surprise, knocking him to the ground. I laugh, reaching my hand out ot help her up. She takes it greatfully and stands up. I reach my hand out, pulling up Nico and kissing his head. Suddenly some kid runs up to us. I shouldn't say kid, he looks about 15, dark brown hair with one green eye and one blue. A little girl who looks about 9 trails behind him, almost identical except she has 2 blue eyes.

 "You're Will Solace right?" the boy asks, looking excited. I nod. "Yeah, why?" "I'm Sian and this is my older brother, Simon, We're both Apollo decendents, we were wondering if you could teach us some medical stuff?" the girl asks shyly, standing behind her brother. I look at Nico, who nods at me. I turn back to the siblings and lead them to the infirmiry.



As my boyfriend walks off, slinging an arm around each of the siblings, I feel a slight pang of jealousy. I shake it off, turning to my sister. Except, she's not there. I look up at the Romans, and see that she's returned to her cohort. I walk off to the arena, planning to practice some sword fighting. My plans, however, are thrown to ashes as Annabeth sprints up to me. "Hey, Nico! I need your help!" she calls breathlessly. I look at her confused and follow. She takes me to the Athena cabin, leading me inside. "Hey, Nico." Malcolm mumbles, glancing up from his worktable. I nod, not missing the fact that he shifted a little closer than he was to the table. Annabeth clearly didn't miss it because as we're walking towards the back of the cabin, she flicks his elbow. He tilts his head, obviously annoyed. I smirk at her and she grins back. She leads me to her work table at the very back of the cabin. Pointing at the stool, she begins sifting through the blueprints on the table. I sit down on the quite uncomfortable stool, watching. She finally finds what she's looking for and hands it to me. All I see are white lines on blue paper. I glance up at her, cocking an eyebrow. 

 "What are these?" I ask. "Blueprints for your cabin, do you like how it looks or not? Tell me the truth, please." she replies, taking a pencil from the cup and sketching on another paper. I look at the paper and everything written on them. "Yeah, actually. These are a lot better than right now. Thanks, do you need anything else?" "Nope, and we won't start working onyour cabin until around October." she replies offhandedly. I nod. "Ok, bye?" I say, getting no reply as I leave. Instead of going to the arena, I go to my cabin to take a nap until dinner as my boyfriend all but graciously woke me at 7 am. Just for fun.



I walk with the Rylut siblings to the campfire. As we sit down, I see my boyfriend glance at me and walk the other way. Weird, I think to myself. 

 "Nico!" I call, he looks at me again, then turns back and continues in the direction he was origanally going. Simon says somthing but I don't quite hear it as I'm to focased on Nico. Suddenly, I feel pressure on my hand, shaking myself out of my trance, I look down. Simon had grabbed my hand to regain my atteniton. I jerk my hand back, standing up. "Uh, I gotta go see what's up with my boyfriend, sorry." I say, enuciating the word 'boyfriend'. I see Simon's cheeks become slightly red as he looks down. "Okay, see you later." I nod at him, waving to Sian, and walk over to my boyfriend. Instead of sitting on a log, he'd sat on the ground between 2 of them. I sat down next him, reaching my arm around his waist. He doesn't react so I pull him into my lap, kissing his jaw lightly. "Will." he murmurs, elbowing me in the ribs. "What's wrong, love?" I ask, leaning my head agaisnt his. "You haven't talked to me all day, even at dinner. And the fact that you just held hands with that Simon kid, kinda pisses me off." he says, pulling away. "C'mere." I say, taking his hand and standing up. I lead him to the Hades cabin. I pull him inside, sitting down on the bed. "Neeks, you know I'd never cheat on you, yeah?" I ask, pulling him down next to me. I looks down at his lap, but doesn't reply. "Neeks? Love, you know I'd never cheat." I state it this time, lifting his head by his chin. He looks at me, with a bit of pain in his eyes. "Then why'd he grab your hand, Will? If you're not cheating on me, then why did some kid grab your hand. Not to mention the fact that he flirted with you all of dinner." he asks, his eyes becoming red. "He grabbed my hand to get my attention because I was straring at you. And he wasn't flirting during dinner." I reply, kissing his forehead. "Yes, he was Will. He literally touched your arm more times than you've called me 'Death Boy' or 'Neeks'." he scoffs. I chuckle. "Okay, even still, I didn't notice. You know why? Because I was thinking about you. I only have eyes for you, my love." I kiss his forehead again, wrapping my arms around his shoulders in a hug. I rub his back as he buries his head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you for telling me how you felt rather than bottling it." I whisper, kissing the top of his head. "I love you." he replies, pulling back. "I love you, too." I mumble, kissing him softly. When we pull away, he lays his head in my lap. I smile, playing with his hair until he falls asleep.

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