Chapter 1

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          I sat there in that hospital room, looking at Jessica with worry. Her bite had gotten even more infected, and the two small marks on her neck had turned purple and red. Jessica had been acting strange lately; ever since that bite had appeared on her neck. We had been best friends for years, and told each other everything, but for the past couple of months, Jessica seemed distant, quiet, and didn’t seem to smile as much as she used to. I tried to see what was wrong, but she just seemed to shut me out.

          “Jessica?” I asked, as I shook her awake.

          “Hey Sooyoung,” she replied weakly, opening her eyes slowly.

          “How’re you feeling?” I wondered quietly, smiling at her.

          “Not good,” Jessica responded.

          “The doctors said that your snake bite got infected and that there’s poison in you or something?” I informed, hoping Jessica could clear up what was going on.

          “Sooyoung, I need to tell you something, and you have to listen to me carefully and promise not to tell anyone what I tell you,” Jessica requested.

          I could see the seriousness and desperation in her eyes as she said this, so I muttered “Okay.”

          “Promise me you won’t tell anyone, not even Luna and Dara,” Jessica pleaded as she gripped my shirt.

          “Okay, okay I promise,” I replied as I removed her hand from my shirt. Geez, what was so important that I couldn’t even tell our other two friends?

          “This isn’t a snake bite,” Jessica revealed as she pointed to her infected neck.

          “Well what is it?” I asked.

          “It’s a vampire bite,” Jessica stated. “I was bitten by one, and have neglected to take proper care of it, so as a result, it got infected.”

          Out of instinct I laughed. “Are you serious? Jessica, vampires don’t exist, are you trying to mess with my mind or something?” I joked.

          “I’m dead serious Sooyoung, I was bitten by a vampire,” Jessica repeated with a stern tone.

          Before I could say anything else, Jessica gasped quickly and gripped at her neck as the heart monitor began to beep rapidly. “Jessica, Jess, quit playing,” I said, thinking she was just kidding around. Several doctors rushed into the room and pushed me aside as they began to try and figure out why Jessica was having convulsions. I watched my best friend’s body squirm as her eyes widened and white foam began to spill out of her mouth. “Holy shit,” I muttered, eyes glued on Jessica.

          Jessica’s body made one final twitch before finally resting, and I heard the heart monitor flat line. Looking at her, I saw a few drops of blood trickle out of her neck wounds, and a single tear fall from the corner of her eye. “Jessica?” I asked, not believing what I just witnessed.

          “C’mon, we gotta get her to surgery and see if we can save her heart,” the doctors said to one another before wheeling Jessica out and down the hall.

          “Jessica?” I called in disbelief as I watched my best friend get wheeled away.

          *End Flashback*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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