Forever a Mann

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Saxton Hale stumbles back clutching his bloody chest, still manly as usual. Someone had knocked out his guards and had snuck into his private quarters in the Mann Co Building. Now, he was doing battle with an invisible assailant that held the triple threat of strength, speed, and intelligence. Never had Saxton Hale faced such a well-equipped opponent before in his lifetime of duels and fights. A fist slams into the back of his neck and he falls onto the ground, clutching his windpipe as invisible kicks land on his back. As fast as a bullet train, Saxton reaches behind him to grab and possibly damage the invisibility potion or tech this person had. Except, Saxton was lifted up as if his attacker was somehow capable of lifting up a 300 pound grown Australian of muscle and then flung forward out of the window of his office. Saxton had made the glass especially fragile for action shots and to when he wanted to surprise people by crashing into his office, but now it worked against him and he fell down 5 stories to the ground. Bloody and dazed, Saxton lay prone on the ground. He heard the sound of footsteps land on the ground in front of him, and felt the ground vibrate beneath him.

"Reveal yourself, attacker! Show your face to the CEO of Mann Co! Let me see who really killed Saxton Hale on this fateful day!" roared Saxton like a tiger, a man of incredible stamina even after a severe beating and fall. Small sparks of magic began to condense around a skinny figure until there is a glowing shield of magic surrounding a pale, bloodied form of a teen wearing a torn red shirt and a gaping wound at the center of his stomach. His eyes glow like the Sun itself at its highest point and Saxton is forced to cover his eyes. Saxton stands up and cracks his neck in anticipation of another punch, to only feel himself floating up into the air. "Magic, you must be with that damn wizard, Merasmus!" realised Saxton, knowing now the reason for his defeat.

"Hey look at me, I'm a magician! Watch me burn like hellfire, watch me shimmer like the shiniest crystals, watch me fly faster than light, and now watch me kill you just like how I fooled God!" cried the teen in a happy voice laced with energy. The amount of power coursing through the air was able to be sensed by Saxton Hale immediately and he realised this battle was over . There was something about that teen that seemed familiar and he saw through the ethereal glow to see Scout, a baseball-loving kid that hailed from the Northern State of Massachusetts. Saxton guessed based on honed intuition that Scout had not received this power on purpose, but by accident and now it had turned Scout into something else entirely; a destructive and savage entity. Saxton realized that his fate was sealed, unless he could snap Scout out of the spell of vigour that had consumed him. "Perhaps, it is time to reveal a long-buried secret to you, Scout," spoke Saxton towards Scout in a pleading manner. Saxton knew it was worth a shot, after all, Scout had never known his real father and the shock of being told of the identity would break his emotions. Saxton began slowly, "I understand that you have come to believe that your father is that rockstar/movie star person, who you got your good looks from. However, that is a lie fabricated by Mann Co. In fact, your real father has worked alongside you and has at times saved you from death. Please Scout, your father is the Spy."

Scout's powerful aura seemed to diminish upon hearing these words, just as Saxton had hoped. Nearly 18 years of buried emotion raced through Scout's mind and tears the color of gold begin to fall out of his eyes. Saxton held a golden bar of Australium in his hand and was furiously absorbing its contents into his body, giving him God-Like power once more. Now having a 10-pack, muscles the size of cars, regeneration, and temporary immortality, Saxton Hale was ready to face Scout at full strength. There was a blast of light, which swept Saxton off his feet, and Scout was once more power incarnate. Saxton struggled with all his might against an invisible force that began to lift him up into the air once more, and saw Scout's body ignite like a young wildfire. Flames swept over his hulking body, burning and searing his skin at an attempt to find an opening. Saxton kept his mouth shut and willed Australium to fill in the many pores and edifices on his body. It was too great an effort and Saxton Hale's body began to weld with the Australium under the intense heat of the fire. Soon, Saxton was entombed in melted Australium, which had solidified over his entire body to form a Saxton Hale-shaped coffin.

Scout uttered a spell in an ancient language long forgotten by the rest of society, and watched as the struggles beneath the surface of the Australium stopped. Saxton Hale was permanently trapped.

Scout realized that his teammates, Medic, Heavy, Engineer, Demoman, and others must have known about his father's identity and had not told him sooner. In his anger and bloodlust, he let out another burst of energy around him and went to go hunt down his teammates, one by one.....

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