Chapter 20

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Whoa we made it to chapter 20. I can't believe I've written up until this point😂 Also guys we're causally about to hit 10k READS. HOW TF DID THAT HAPPEN MY DUDES. IM NOT FREAKING OUT YOU ARE. Anyway this wouldn't have happened without all of you guys. I feel like I say thank you every chapter to you guys. And I'll say it a million times if I have too. I can't express my gratitude enough. I just love all of you so much, like I'm dead serious, I wish I could give all of you a virtual hug. But you're probably bored of my ranting. So on with THE STORY.

Ariella POV

Once I teleported Demetrious and I back in my office. I let out laughter I didn't know I was holding.

"Did you see the look on their faces." I say out loud to Demetrious, while trying to catch my breath.

Demetrious smiles softly at me with an unknown look in his eyes.

I tilt my head," What is it?" I ask him.

He shakes his head and smiles his normal smile at me. "Nothing...I'm glad your happy curls." He says.

I raise one eyebrow at him suspiciously but ultimately end up shrugging it off as nothing.

"Well, we have a lot to catch up on, don't you think?" I say eagerly.

He nods.

"Great! I'll start with some questions." I continue.

"First question, hows your love life been." I say wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

I lean my head in my hand waiting for him to answer a small smile spreads on my lips.

I lean my head in my hand waiting for him to answer a small smile spreads on my lips

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(How Ariella looks rn)

He just stares at me with that unknown look again. I clear my throat.

He snaps out of it.

"Well I've had really nothing serious the past years, I mean I'm known as the number 1 notorious playboy." He says cockily.

"What can I say it's inevitable that women find me attractive and want to be with me." He continues haughtily.

I scoff,"um sir you can check me off the list of every women."

His eyes meet mine for a moment. He leans in close so our noses are touching.

"Are you sure about that." He whispers sensually.

I can feel his cool breath on my face.

I lean in closer our lips almost touching. I notice him close his eyes. I quickly grab my phone from my pocket and snap a picture.

His eyes snap open in horror.

"HA SIKE, I'm positive my guy." I say wiggling my phone in my hand showing him the picture of his lips puckered.

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