Shake, Shake, Shake! - Lydia Deetz x Fem!Reader

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Requested by FitzSimmonsForever
Hey I would like to request a oneshot for lydia deetz/fem!reader. tbh I don't care about the plot as long as it's my angsty lol. Keep up the good work!

     "Lyds, come on! It's fun!" You laugh in your girlfriends ear, trying to pry her onto the dance floor. The two of you had been dating for a few months, and with her previous 'new kid, who dresses in all black' reputation still around, you just wanted her to have fun and dance with you. The spring fling was a yearly tradition at the high school and you were so happy when you asked Lydia and she had said yes. Even though you've been dating for a while, you always get excited when it comes to her.

     "Y/N, if I wanted to get stared at and have my feet stepped on I'd just go to BJ for it" you roll your eyes and lean your elbow on the table you're at, facing her and taking your free hand to hold hers. "You don't need a demon and some pranks to have fun, I brought you here so we could have fun..." you trailed off, trying not to sound disappointed, because you knew that if she didn't dance with you then there was a ninety nine percent chance you wouldn't dance either. You take a glance at her eyes and smile when you see her looking at you out of the corner of her eye.

     "Hey, if you don't wanna dance, we don't have to, I'm perfectly fine sitting here and holding hands, all night" you exaggerate with a sigh and a faux frown on your lips. You don't know if it's there to convince her or convince yourself. She squeezes your hand, her long back sleeve rubbing over your skin, making you bite back a smile. You sit there for a few minutes, avoiding eye contact and being quiet as a song you don't really know plays in the background. It starts to feel like a movie scene you want to cut out of, there was no better way to explain it. You were ready to look back up at her and ask again when the unexpected happens.

     doo doo doo, doo doo, dah doo doo,

     The upbeat tempo fills the gym and your eyes widen in surprise, looking up at her and standing up, hand clasped tightly to hers. She looks up at you with puppy like eyes and fights off a smile as you grab her other hand and try to drag her up as you sing.

     "Shake, shake, shake, Senora,
Shake your body line
Shake, shake, shake, Senora,
Shake it all the time"

     It pays off almost immediately, because she's up and singing too, looking right at you and squeezing your hands.

     "Work, work, work, Senora,"

     "Work your body line
Work, work, work, Senora,
Work it all the time"

     You drag her into the middle of the room and start dancing like crazy, head bopping and swishing your dresses back and fourth with your hands. You smile as you see that she's finally having fun. And with you. You don't close your eyes for a second, not wanting to miss anything as the music continues to play and you both continue to jump around hand in hand.

     "Shake, shake, shake, senora"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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