An Introduction

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This fic will have language other than "heck." But this is WattPad. I have free reign to do whatever I want basically (which is kinda scary considering how chaotic yall know I can be). But I am deeply sorry if you're younger and happen to come across this. Please look away now or be forever scarred. I warned you. I'll keep an F in the chat.

Also, please do not shame shipping. I personally ship all the members as friends (as I write a gay fanfic... we love irony) but I know some think differently. This is just a fic all in good fun and is in no way serious. Of course this Sope fanfic will have Yoongi and Hoseok in a gay relationship, but I do not assume the sexuality of the members as we honestly have no idea. This is just for all the Sope lovers out there. Yoonseok winning 😔💅🏻

And please know that these are characters. Yes I am using real people (in this case, BTS) for imagery, but that does not mean I think of the members the way I portray them in this fic. BTS are people in real life, but as characters for this story, they will undoubtedly have faulty character traits, be the antagonist/bad guy/etc because they are characters and this is a work of fiction. I just wanted to get that point across. Thank you!

   —————Important Info (Kinda)—————

What you're about to read is a Sope fanfic which means it will be very gay and probably a bit kinky? I honestly have no idea how far I want to go into this fic.

What I can say is that this fic is both a mix of serious and crack. So expect some attempted humor and some perhaps emotional moments.

And please let me know what you want this fic to have. I have an overall storyline planned but it's quite flexible so if you have a suggestion, let me know in the comments.

And don't forget: You nice, keep going.

                                    bc yall thirsty

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                                    bc yall thirsty

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